inherit the economy once--shame on him-- inherit it twice, shame on all of us?

how many hundreds of millions are spent asking to inherit something that he seems to blame on the inheritence?.... the second years will be the inheritence of his own first 4 years wouldn't it?


Favorite Answer

Congress is responsible for the trashed economy. Obama, who was part of that congress, did NOT "inherit" it, he helped birth it.


He did in fact inherit a bad economy however, he was hired to fix it. You can only blame the previous CEO or in this case President for so long until it becomes clear that you can not fix the situation that you were hired to fix. At that point you should step aside and allow another person to correct the problem.

We as taxpayers will have to decide if he has done enough to be given more time... my opinion is no but everybody gets a vote and we will soon know the answer to that question.


Our economy could have been kicked started with that trillion dollar stimulus he took out his first month in but he didn't use it on the economy so I put all the blame on him. While our economy wasn't the greatest it was fixable, but now, I don't know.


We have yet to pay for the first part of the debt that was inherited.


Don't you know? He will never be responsible for the economy. Not if he was in office for the next twenty years. He's black. It's NOT HIS FAULT! NOT HIS FAULT I TELL YOU!

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