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Yep. Gonna do it.
If you nominate Romney, that will happen yes.
Anyone up for a convention floor fight?
The substantive differences between Romney and Obama are negligible.
On key issues:
Both would have signed NDAA into law.
Therefore, both support indefinite detention without charges of terror SUSPECTS (which includes U.S. citizens).
They both support continuing the failed war on drugs as is.
They both support insurance mandates (spin it how you want, a mandate is a mandate).
They both support Goldman Sachs people running the president's economic team (just look at Obama donations from 2008 and Romney from 2012).
The Obama White House actively opposed any attempts to re-institute Glass-Steagall (which separates commercial from investment banking).....which obviously Romney would have done the same since this move benefits Wall Street GREATLY.
They both support raiding legal medical marijuana facilities in states whose voters have chosen to make that industry legal.
They support staying in Afghanistan until 2014 MINIMUM.
They both would keep Guantanamo going as is.
Name me a modern president who, in his first term, did not "campaign."
You can't.
Obama did as the others did. He did his job and highlighted things to let the people know.
Na Romney is not going win, He has been running for like 8 years
No we are not.
France just showed that if you don't deliver you're done. 1 n done.