Was The Avengers worth seeing?


Favorite Answer

I love super hero and action movies, and this one was incredible from start to finish.
It was like one huge long epic battle full of the best of the best super heroes.

You will enjoy for sure


YES! Absolutlely, make sure you stay thru ALL the credits there are 2 scenes in the credits,1 that reveals the villain for the sequell,and 1 that is a payoff to a joke made in the movie. And when you hear the phrase Puny God,...know that I nearly wet myself laughing.


yup, if you are a fan you'd be very pleased. It's funnier and more action, basically more action at the end, 2/3 of the movie is pure drama and the action its at the end. Little bit a "transformers like".


yes there is so a reason why so many showing have been sold out so don't wait until right before the movie to buy the tickets

Yes, in Joss we trust

it is a very fun movie


I'm a little concerned that you haven't seen it by now...

Yes. Of course! Best movie EVER

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