Does Capricorn MC have the urge to rule over a country or have a high position in the Law?

Because I have this urges of being a dictator.
But I'm gonna study art for Crist Sake (Urabus and Neptune in 10th, no wonder).

Can someone explain more about Capricorn Mid Heaven


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Dear God...

I am dating someone who has Capricorn as their MC. This person definitely wants some kind of position of authority. I won't let him have it at home. No way. I told him when he asked me to move in that "If I do this, you cannot, cannot ever tell me WHAT to do. You need to ASK. If we have that down, we'll be okay. That's ALL that I ask." Because this person is naturally authoritative and I noticed it from the beginning.

After 4 years in the army of saying he'd never become an E5, now in the Reserves he says wants his E5 so he can be the boss of other people. He also wants to become a cop possibly. For now he is studying Network Support at ITT Tech but it's just for now, he still thinking about becoming a cop.

I don't believe he would happy for the rest of his life always having to adhere to another person of authority and I can assume this really contributes to the Capricorn as their MC. I've read they would do great in teaching others responsibility, in a leadership position. That they have the skills to do this. I agree.


Uh oh~ I have a Capricorn MC too lol.

I don't have anything else to add because I don't know.... but I will star this q and see if you get a good answer.