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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

If we lived in a world that was entirely ruled by christian law, what would it be like?

If all the laws in the world were suddenly canceled out, the country borders removed, and only christianity existed.

We followed the 10 commandments first, then the minor rules.

would there be war between translated words instead of religions and countries?

and how long before society crumbled?

What would you do?

37 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    People would be killing each other left and right for minor things because they were told to in the Bible.

    There would be no scientific progression, especially in the medical field since scientific study is against the Christian dogma.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Look at World history during periods like The Crusades,or The Inquisition,and you will have your answer.Every place that has been ruled over entirely by their Religion has been a true horror to behold,with very few exceptions. Even in today's world we can see the majority of the Middle East,where the entire concept of human rights is just a fantasy. There may be relative peace on the surface in some of those countries not at war,but even in the seemingly ordered societies there is an undercurrent of something far more vile.I cannot imagine living in a society ruled entirely by the Dogmas of any of the Abrahamic religions,the least repulsive of them being Judaism,at least in practice. But even they can get rather nasty when the opportunity arises,Crucifixion anyone? The point being,our best bet for peaceful co-existence comes in almost entirely secular societies. If others wish to hang on to their ancient myths and superstitions that's fine,but they need to keep it to themselves for the most part.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    In a world ruled according to the teachings of Jesus, which is Christianity, the whole world will be one. Human egotic creations, based on " self" will be a thing of past. All mankind will be one big family having harmony in thought and deed. Note that the 10 commandments are just a summary to proper living, eliminating all causes of strife between mankind. A person observing these commandments, realizes a happy contented life despite daily challenges. In a world ruled by the word of Christ, people will restart to learn what God the Creator had in mind before Satan interfered and poisoned the mind of man. As a fact the Bible tells of a millenium rule here on earth during which Jesus will teach again the purposes and aims of God in creating man. Why should wars be there ?? Remember the father of all suffering would have been neutralised. In such perfect environment why should the divine society collapse?? Just look around you today. Amidst the chaos, wars, and all sorts of vice, dont you at times see glimmers of that wonderful tommorrow??

    It is that promise that keeps Christians full of hope. It has been promised AND it will happen.....



  • 1 decade ago

    Some of the fanatics would think this is a fantastic idea. They don't realize that there ARE people out there who don't believe in the christian god. Rebellion groups would form underground and wage a war against those in power. Many would die and there would be anarchy. It would be chaos.

    I would not conform. I would join the rebellion. If I died in the process - so be it. Nobody has the right to tell others how to live. Religious laws are too fickle and they change all the time in favor of those who can afford it. It's corrupt. Alot of people would conform because they fear the repercussions from these militant believers carrying out "justice in god's name?". Who wants to live in fear and constantly walk on eggshells?

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  • Hogie
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Interesting question.

    First off, the ten commandments are not "Christian" law, as the ten commandments were the core of the old covenant between God and Israel, and Christians were never a party to that covenant law.

    Christianity has no codified law. Christians are taught to treat others as they would want to be treated; to love even their enemies.

    So for "Christian law" to work, everyone in the world would have to be Christian.


  • 1 decade ago

    "If we lived in a world entirely ruled by Christianity, what would [ I ] do?"

    There is no doubt I would be in some sort of underground resistance, much like the French underground, during WWII. I can only support a democratic government of free people. If Christianity attempted to usurp political power, I would start by burning down every church I could manage. If necessary, I would even swallow my pacifist pride and begin murdering particularly intolerant Christians. There is simply no way I would ever submit to "Christian Law." Period.

  • 5 years ago

    Similar to 1942 Germany

  • 1 decade ago

    There would still be war between translated words, the current Christian denominations can not even agree on simple things let alone the big differences.

    I am not sure about the time line for society.. I know for sure that things would not be the same and people like me would be hiding under ground organizing an army against the suppression of Christianity.

    I would be rebelling.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Society would not crumble nor would there be wars.

    There might be disagreements, but the over riding command of Jesus was very simple and right to the point. Love one another. Love your enemies too. It is too easy to just love the ones who love you. What does that gain you?

    Real Christianity is about live and let live. Some take it too far and pass judgements on others. Only God can pass judgement. In the Lord's prayer, we ask God to forgive us as we forgive others. Too many forget that key phrase. It actually requires a lot of strength to live life as a true Christian. More so then not being one. It is very hard and none of us are perfect.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hi (((Glorious)) , You could change all the laws, and borders, and have only Christianity theory and the Big 10 and still have the mess we have today. Human hearts must be changed before any difference could be seen. Remove sin from the world, and you will have something. GRRRRRRRRRR

    Have a GRRReat day my friend!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Not many people would be happy with the "official" interpretation of the Bible. Women would be vilified for being remotely sexual, despite the fact that there is usually a man involved there, too. We would have to set up massive orphanages for all the unwanted children and welfare would go through the roof.

    Gays would go back into hiding and be forced into fake marriages based on lies and fear. Scientific discovery would be stunted and all theories would be edited by the church. People would base their lives on half-truths and misinformation and force that life on everyone around them. We'd start seeing people turning in their neighbors and loved ones for "violations". Families would be torn apart.

    It'd be a military state inside of five years.

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