X-Men timeline question: Emma Frost in Wolverine Origns?
Okay, so it is widely accepted that Emma Frost is the girl who turns her skin into diamond in Origins: Wolverine - Wolverine's girlfriend Kayla's sister. How can this be? She is so young, but the Xavier that appears at the end of that film is older and bald already.
In X-Men: First Class, when the younger Xavier first encounters Emma Frost, she is a mature woman. How can Emma Frost be young in Origins, but older in First Class, when First Class must have taken place before Origins because of Xavier's age in Origins?
The only answer that would make sense, provided I am not missing something that would explain all of this, is that Emma Frost is NOT the girl in Origins who must then just be a girl who can make her body invulnerable, and that Origins took place after First Class due to Xavier's age, along with Cyclops' age relative to Xavier in Origins.