STRANGE question here...what color is a ......?

male red eared sliders semen? On my basking rocks there was all this yellow on the basking site...I checked all 5 and all were ok...since may thru June is mating season....I am baffled...

My female is over 40 yrs old.....and 4 males from 20 yrs to 7 yrs old.


Favorite Answer

I have noooo idea.
But a few years back my friend had a slider,and it was yellow,so that might be your best bed buddy.


No one is going to know this from experience. No one is going to be like oh...(thinks back to the time they came into contact with turtle semen).


Got me, have no idea.

Jared Memorable2012-06-05T06:55:58Z

that turtle is my ni*ga