Do you think Bill Clinton is telling Democrats not to vote for Obama in a round about way?

Without coming out and really saying it, he just keeps up his disagreements with the Obama strategy.

John E2012-06-07T11:12:01Z

Favorite Answer

Massively. Bill Clinton has more innate authority with the American people than Obama EVER will.


nope... I think Clinton is telling the people that Mitt's a good guy but a bad gov. executive...

and I think that's the truth...

sometimes it feels like in politics anymore that you can't say "anything good" about the other guy... Clinton isn't like that... he puts the cards on the table...

mitt's not the antichrist... he was just a bad gov. executive

that's exactly what Clinton said... obama is a better choice for president...



Matter of fact, I'd say the only people who have tried to put this spin on Clinton are conservatives.


No, I think it is being sensationalised and distorted by the media, to cause a firestorm for ratings purposes.


whatever, Clinton always had more in common with republicans anyway

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