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Don't say neither one or either one.Just tell me one or the other. Which one would you prefer if you had your choice to be president and why. Bill Clinton or Barack Obama


I am going to pick best answer when the time comes. Even though I am a Republican and like some of the answers given that I know are from Republicans I am not going to choose them because this was suppose to be answered by Democrats. Thanks anyway for your answers and don't forget to vote in 2010 and lets take back the senate for a start. It's not too late to save our country and this crazy out of control spending.

18 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obama--but ask me again in three years and I may say differently.

    My problem with Clinton was that he was too much of a centrist. By making free trade agreements with nations that don't worry about paying their workers fairly, he undercut american workers while supporting American companies--in the short term. Then Bush continued these policies long after that short term was up, and helped set up a situation where many families hadn't saved enough to weather downturns in the market. My other problem with Clinton was the way he and Hillary handled health care--they were so worried about making sure that everyone involved including insurance companies still made just as much money, so they couldn't get anything done.

    Obama seems more willing to go against the way things have always been, and I don't see too many conservative bones in him. I don't think he would sign NAFTA unless Mexico made guarantees to workers there. I think Obama will throw his weight around with China. I worried about his naive approach to diplomacy, but it seems to be working for him--saying the thing that sounds good but won't really work seems to change the bargaining table before he sits down. We'll have to see how it turns out.

  • David
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Bill Clinton

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't remember Clinton as president so I have to say Barack Obama.

  • momw
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Barack Obama.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yeah sure, a guy who lies to his wife about an affair while in office or a guy who picks tax cheats for his cabinet?

    Clinton, a guy who has so many skeletons in his closet and who was handed Osama bin Laden on a platter from Sudan but turned him down...

    Obama, I am terrified of what this guy is doing (nationalization of everything - aka Chavez) and its only been 100 or something days.

    Please vote this Fascist out of office in 2012 along with the Democratically controlled Congress in 2010

  • 1 decade ago

    Bill Clinton. He did do an amazing job in office. I'm kinda.... unsure of how this Obama thing is going to turn out.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not fair

    Clinton didnt inherit as big a disaster

    but since Obama refuses to prosecute people who admit to torturing, I'm going with Clinton

  • 1 decade ago

    Bill Clinton by a long shot. Oh yeah I used to be a democrat but switched to republican When I saw this administration in action. I didn't vote for Obama.

  • Since Im a registered Democrat who voted for McCain- I would say Clinton- although Clinton could have got Bin Laden about 8 times but didn't- he still was better than Obama- at least he didn't put us into debt that will ruin our childrens future- and give us socialism / communism etc. Obama wants to destroy Capitalism- or I mean take it over.

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