Moulin Rouge Satine's diamond necklace appears in another movie anyone know which one?

My daughter is convinced she has seen it in another movie this month... she picks up on small details like this but unfortunately forgets the important things like which movie it was.

The Dez Pirate2012-06-08T11:44:01Z

Favorite Answer

Considering the necklace was made especially for the movie by a renowned designer I don't think it was used in another movie. But I could be wrong. Can't find any info on it though

"Stefano Canturi designed the necklace worn by Nicole Kidman as she portrayed the character of Satine in the 2001 film "Moulin Rouge." The necklace contained 1,308 diamonds and had an estimated value of $1 million"

So its not just a prop necklace.


Moulin Rouge


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Moulin Rouge Satine's diamond necklace appears in another movie anyone know which one?
My daughter is convinced she has seen it in another movie this month... she picks up on small details like this but unfortunately forgets the important things like which movie it was.