Green Lantern fans: Where should I start reading.?

I've recently started getting into American comic books, especially Batman, Daredevil, and Green Lantern. I'm not sure how the chapters in American comic books are set up (I only have expirience with manga), and I want to read about the war between the Green Lanterns and Sinestro Corps (escecially at the part where Liara dies, and Hal turns into a red lantern).

I've tried looking online, but I can't find a site to read comics, so I'll have to buy the physical copy of the comic. The problem is, I know that vintage comic books are both rare and expensive, so I can't start all the way at the first chapter where Hal becomes a lantern. I want to start at a point where I'll be able to understand what's going on, not just randomly in the middle of a fight. Can you reccomend a place to start?

Alternatively, do you know of a site where I can read all the chapters?


Favorite Answer

Hey Shred, long time no see. I emailed you my answer, regarding the Alternative as I am not familiar with Green Lantern Comics.


new 52 has 4 gl books: green lantern green lantern new guardians green lantern corps and red lanterns my favorite is red lanterns because of the art but you can buy a lot of old stuff on the dc comics app