How would each sign react if...?

They are skydiving and the parachute broke?

BQ2: Would you skydive (or have you)?
BQ3: What's you Sum,Moon and Mars?


Well yeah, react the same...True. But I was expecting what each sign would say. like atleast this
Virgo: Fu
Capricorn: I shouldn't have followed you Aries
Aqua: We are fallin at x Speed at a rate of blah blah
Pisces: is sleeping.

I was expecting you guys to use your imagination and creativity


Favorite Answer

Aries: Well, this is fun. *Start repairing parachute*
Taurus: *Scream* So... HUNGRY!!
Gemini: Oh no! I left the stove on! *Scream*
Cancer: *Cry* *Scream* *Cry*
Leo: If I survive, I am so posting this on Facebook. *Starts praying*
Virgo: Reuses the remaining pieces of the parachute for chance of survival.
Libra: *Communicate with God* *Try and remain calm*
Scorpio: *Sings free falling!*
Sagittarius: I heard people survive these falls ...
Capricorn: *Flops around like a wingless bird*
Aquarius: I will hold out my jumper so I can fly like a squirrel
Pisces: This would make an interesting story.

I would love to skydive, or do that squirrel gliding like Aquarius would.

Aries sun, Virgo moon - I don't know my Mars .... However, I have an Aquarius rising!


Aries : i shall die with fun then.. Woooo hooooo!!!
Taurus : i shall miss those days...
Gemini : this gotta be kidding right?
Cancer : sh!t sh!t sh!t
Leo : Where's the CAMERA, i don't wanna die MEANINGLESS!!!
Virgo : i nvr thought this could happen.. Plan B.. Wait.. What's my plan B? Shhhhh!!!!tttt
Libra : #pokerface
Scorpio : Dammmiiittt someone must have done something with the parachute!!! Must be Aries!! Fuuuu yuuuu
Sagittarius : *#!?/#!&%! (All foul words)
Capricorn : no.. This can't be happening! i still have many to do down there.. i mean... No! Not like this!
Aquarius : calculating.. if i fall at... Hmm maybe if i fall at that shaft over there.. The impact would.. BANG!! X(
Pisces : this must a dream, it must be!

BQ2 : i would, hope that parachute broke thing won't happen, if it did.. The first thing i think would be you :/

BQ3 : Aries, Gemini and Aries

This is fun xD


Aries - oh **** I will fix it with no idea broken even more. Boom!
Taurus - I will fix it nanananan too slow - Boom!
Gemini - I will die ohh noooo, I wont die yeahh, oh **** Boom!
Cancer - Oh **** Im not able to fix it so I wont even try
Leo - well at least my fans will consider me as hero
Virgo - according to weather and place, I will fall on that cliff, so that will be painful, but at least wolfs wont eat my body.
Libra - to fix it or not to fix it, that is the question!
Scorpio - f*** this **** - there will be an reincarnation
Sagittarius - I wont die, it will fix by it self Boom!
Capricorn - o ****, oh ****! Why the f*** did I have been investing half of my salary if I die like this :(
Aquarius - well, at least it will be an different death than others.
Pisces - I will think about what is most important in this world - family, friends


haha, knowing the fact they alrady going to die.. :

aries would get mad
taurus relax and chill
gemini throws up all the way down
cancer whines
virgo gets numb
libra finds a balance lol
saggitarius moves like idiot
scorpio would kill himself
capricorn would just get pesimist
pisces faints and/or suicides
aquarius would just have a sigh


it's safe to say that regardless of ones Zodiac sign, unless they were subject to a lobotomy before the incident, we'd all react the same.