DOOL...Who else is tired of Will and his skulking around?

Between his nasty, rude and hateful behavior to his mother and the constant sarcasm and the skulking around, I'm just sick of him. The gay storyline was awful and now they're driving us crazy with this crap. I'm starting to really dislike Will and the actor playing him. What do you all think?


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I hated the gay storyline since the beginning. I totally was not expecting the writers to ruin that for his character. The snide remarks towards Sami is what she deserves, but I agree it is wearing very thin.


Well I think the snide remarks and his behavior towards Sami (not that she didn't deserve it) has been over played I think he made his point....the actor I can take or leave.

I did read an article about Will and EJ and what they had to say about working together, they seem to really like each other and get along well playing little pranks on each other.

Kitty 22012-06-14T14:37:46Z

So true i am as well. I think Will needs to grow some balls. He is so silly. I agree the gay line is driving me crazy. Well i dont dislike him but i wish they would get him a better S/L . K2