Did Obama just slap the American people in the face, by letting 1 million illegals work in this country?

How is this going to help the American people, we are out of work also now Obama is turning out 1 million more people to try and find work, this destructive President is destroying this country and making it worse for blacks to find work, where is Sharpton and Jackson on this matter I guess they don't care about their own people either. Blacks just got slapped 3 times. But I am sure they will vote for him again.


@ Steve O , I work jackass, but their are a lot of people that aren't working, and stupid liberals like you would rather see this country ravaged by illegals from around the world, than help our own people first, meaning the American people, you make me sick with your feel good notions, the American people come first not illegals.


And I know it was only to get the hispanic vote he doesn't care how he gets reelected even if he has to destroy this country doing it.


Their are also million of college kids that have not been able to find work either, I guess all you liberals would call them lazy also.


Favorite Answer

Being as how liberals have no real reason to let people steal all our jobs during an unemployment crisis, it doesn't surprise me that all their answers are filled with nothing but insults, but here's the answer you're looking for: yes. Yes, he did, and will continue to do so as long as baseless, mindless sympathy takes precedence over reality in his mind.


Anything that is coming out of your mouth is ignorant. You obviously won't bend to other's opinions because you conservatives are so wraped up in your "American Dream" well the American Dream is for everybody not just you entitled whites. If you whites want jobs the get off your welfare and look for them. Obama didn't hand the country over to the illegals. How is a child put blame for his or her parent's actions. And if you really want to get rid of blood sucking illegals all you whites should invent a time machine go back to the 16th and 17th century and tell your ancestors to not come to America at all and leave the nation to the Native Americans. Oh yeah but you whites won't do anything about that because you're too busy complaining behind a computer screen. If you really care on this issue get off the computer and organinze a protest. LAZY


some element this is popping out of your mouth is ignorant. You for particular won't bend to diverse's comments for the reason which you conservatives are so wraped up on your "American Dream" perfect the american Dream is for each guy or lady no longer basically you entitled whites. in case you whites decide on jobs the get off your welfare and seek for for them. Obama did no longer hand the country over to the illegals. How is slightly one placed blame for their discern's movements. And in case you fairly want to get rid of blood sucking illegals all you whites might desire to invent a time device circulate back to the sixteenth and 17th century and tell your ancestors to no longer come to united statesa. in any admire and circulate away the country to the community persons. Oh yeah yet you whites won't carry out a little element approximately that for the reason which you're too busy complaining interior the back of a seen reveal unit. in case you fairly care in this occasion get off the computing device and organinze a protest. LAZY


He has been slapping Americans in the face for 3 1/2 year. This is just the latest slap.
Hopefully we slap back in November.


I honestly think Obama shouldn't be to blame. I mean alot of the people out of work are the drop outs/ uneducated people who don't get accepted anywhere. If the majority of the Illegals manage to get work but the legals can't. It sounds more like a personal problem. But then again this is just my opinion.

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