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Lv 6
hexa asked in Politics & GovernmentImmigration · 9 years ago

Did Obama just slap the American people in the face, by letting 1 million illegals work in this country?

How is this good for the American people, when we don't have jobs ourselves, and this is also a slap in the face for blacks that are worse off right now, isn't he supposed to help them, where is Sharpton and Jackson on this matter they are strangely silent, I guess they don't care that their people are out of work either.

15 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    He has also spit on the graves of the military men and women who died defending this country and the UNITED STATES constitution.

    We are no longer a sovereign country if no one respects our laws or our borders.

    Rewarding illegal behavior (invading the United States) by giving amnesty is capitulation (giving up, giving in) NOT reform, or even adherence to current laws.

    VIVA LOS ESTADOS UNITOS de AMEREXICO. {And our new flag will read "Tread on me."}

    Source(s): military veteran who swore to uphold the United States Constitution, and defend her from all enemies, foreign and domestic
  • 5 years ago

    some thing that is popping out of your mouth is ignorant. You for sure received't bend to different's evaluations because you conservatives are so wraped up on your "American Dream" properly the yankee Dream is for each man or woman no longer in simple terms you entitled whites. in case you whites choose jobs the get off your welfare and seek for them. Obama did not hand the rustic over to the illegals. How is a baby positioned blame for his or her figure's movements. And in case you quite favor to remove blood sucking illegals all you whites could invent a time device circulate again to the sixteenth and seventeenth century and tell your ancestors to no longer come to united statesa. in any respect and go away the rustic to the community individuals. Oh yeah yet you whites received't do some thing about that because you're too busy complaining in the back of a seen demonstrate unit. in case you quite care in this example get off the workstation and organinze a protest. LAZY

  • Shane
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    That is 1 million votes from dead people he just got. These politicians are so far off base with reality. They only look to win the next election not to better the country. This guy has gotten Americans so divided it isn't even funny. People are rooting for political parties like it is a ball game. Most people don't realize that both sides have good ideas and in order to make America better they have to be able to work together on problems instead of point blame at the other party.

  • 9 years ago

    Getting economy back on track is not just about jobs it's about taxes and welfare. If more people have jobs that means more taxes and more government revenue. Besides don't say there are no jobs out there what you mean to say are no jobs that Americans want. Why do Americans want easy high paying benefits jobs right away. That's the problem Americans don't want the jobs available because its not up to their standards. My mom worked her way up to being a manager for a janitorial company and now they have a bunch of positiona open and the people wanting to work there quit after one day because the worka is "too hard" for not enough money. A person wanted to get paid 14 an hour for cleaning a toilet. The American set of mind is that you deserve jobs but no you have to earn them so no Obama is not slapping anyone in the face because he's giving jobs to people who want and have earned them.

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  • 9 years ago

    First of all illegal immigrant can't work in the united states! They have to be legal to work.Second of all I feel like you are insulting African Americans by saying the are the worst off right now. Last time I checked whites collected the greatest share of public aid dollars not blacks. You want to know why so many people are out of jobs? They think most jobs are beneath them. And lastly "their people?" They are Americans and in case you didn't know, Americans consist of many races not just White and Black!

  • 9 years ago

    For those who think that these illegals can't work without a SS#, well, uncle OBAMA got it all taken care of, He's going to give all of these blood suckers a "Work Permit" so rest assured, THE ANCHOR BABIES WILL TAKE YOUR JOBS

    W bypassed congress to go to war with Iraq and the U.S. went from having surplus to be in debt up the nose, now Obama just bypassed congress to let the Mexicans take over, I guess the American Dream as we know it is about finished for the rest of us.

  • KIZE
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Americans need to stand up. I will never accept these people or hire them whether he makes these criminals legals. He wants to turn it into a race war. He wants a fight, let's give it to this sell out of a president. This is the worst thing any president has ever done to this country. I hope this insures he is not voted back in.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    What happened to all those jobs available in the fields. You know the jobs illegal immigrants are working . Huh? Why don't you try and go to those jobs. Because of course you americans are too good for this jobs. Can't bend over in the fields and get sweaty for minimum wage. So stfu cus they won't take your jobs if anything they will make your economy better because illegals are very hard workers and they will make this country thrive. Unlike whites and blacks that think their too good and amazing but would rather live off food stamps than go find a job at McDonald's.

    And when will you understand this is not an amnesty. Get to facts straight.

  • 9 years ago

    I think its better for immigrant decent people that mean no harm too take over this country than rich American crooks.

  • 9 years ago

    He's hoping to get the mexican vote for doing this... what he doesn't know is he just lost more than he'll gain

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