Yet again someone or a few people on y/a did not like a perfectly fine question.?
So the question was deleted. It was a question about obama's election bid running on lies. It has been appealed and is expected to be reposted.So are these people so anti freedom of speach. Or just hate anyone that is opposed to obama? I have been seeing a lot of that everywhere.
Favorite Answer
I have found the most INTOLERANT people on the planet happen to be liberals!
It takes great courage for a person to admit they have made a mistake, (in voting for Obama). Most will completely ignore the facts in front of them & will bite-off their nose to spite their face.
Obama will destroy this country, our country`s present partisanship has handed him the shotgun to do it with.
When you lie, insult people, and say stupid things that have no basis in fact, then you should not be upset if someone calls you a liar, an insulter, and stupid.