What is the best match for a Taurus?

What is the best zodiac match for a Taurus girl? (I'm a May Taurus if that matters.) I have always wondered. And why is whichever sign you picked a great match for a Taurus? Personal experience is always welcomed :)
Thank you.


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I'm a Taurus
They say that either other earth or water are the best match for Taurus. I'd recommend taking a closer look at your Venus though. Mine is in Taurus in my 8th house trine Pluto. So to say I love the Scorpios is an understatement. I feel like I was made for the right Scorpio. I love the sensuality, the intensity and just the electricity that happens when Taurus and Scorpio sit beside one another. It is intoxicating.

I also just love the water signs in general. They make me feel and draw me in. I have loved a Pisces and a Cancer in the past. I find that earth bores me to tears. My earth wants to drink all that water up.


earth signs taurus Virgo and Capricorn are compatible with each other , but i say between them another taurus would be great

and opposite sign of Taurus is Scorpio which can make them the best match or the worst


Taurus are usually quiet and calm. They are pleasant characters, sometimes a little shy, and they dislike being the centre of attention but respond well to affection, showing a great deal of affection in return. Although outbursts are rare, a Taurus dislikes being opposed and can be stubborn about getting her own way. A young Taurus will work steadily at a task.

More on Taurus Traits - http://www.birthday-horoscopes.net/taurus.htm


Fishy guy here - They say that you're most compatible with Capricorn and Virgo, and that could be true.. and they also say that you're compatible with Pisces, Libra, Cancer, and Aquarius..

Okay what I'm about to say I'm only saying it because I'd love to meet a Taurus girl, get to know her, and be in a relationship with her.... it only makes sense that earth and water go together, earth needs water, and water needs earth.. If that means anything.


A Leo is the best match for a Taurus.

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