if obama is a crony keynesian, what does that say about...?

what does it say about romney?

is he a crony neoclassicist?

points to the best answer, only serious answers please.


this is a serious question, obama gives money to his contributors but disguises himself as a keynesian who wants to help the economy. Ya sure it helps when he gives money to his friends on wall street, appoint tim geitner as your treasury secretary, allow jamie dimon to be on the board of fed of NY, give millions to solyndra and union buddies just cuz they helped him get elected.
You tell me what crony means since you think you're smarter than me.

Max Hoopla2012-07-12T22:26:09Z

Favorite Answer

How about a serious question?


Romney is a faithful man to his God and his country why are you tearing him down for no reason, the man is clean and has a good family, I know the Democratic party wants dirt and they are scrambling to find it, give the man some credit, unlike Obama who surrounded himself with socialists and Marxist through his youth and smoked dope to the point he said he didn't know what he was doing in college, That is in his own book. You should read Obama's book, why isn't the media going after Obama for that, they sure would if Romney wrote a book like that.

Jim Bay2012-07-13T05:35:26Z

Obama is not a kaynesian. Keynes was an awfull economist but he wasn't a fascist that uses marxism to get his way like Obama

Romney is closer to a kaynesian than Obama that's why he is called a moderate.

Still Learning2012-07-13T05:32:31Z

Romney is a crony keynesian as well.


OMAMA is 2nd jimmy carter

O'MAMA will be Professor of law in chicago in 2012

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