What can I do? I keep waking up every three hours?

It's really hard for me to fall asleep I'm in bed at 10:30 and fall asleep sometime after 1am. I then wake up sometime after 3am and have trouble falling back asleep, then I wake up at 6, then at 9 and then at 11. Falling back asleep is always hard and I wake up with my whole body aching idk if that has any relevance.
I'm a 17yearold girl. I jog 2miles a day, don't drink coffee or soda, and am not stressed about anything.


No I'm not on my period, when I am on it though it's easier to sleep.


I've been taking melatonin, it doesn't help :( so don't suggest that please


Favorite Answer

Here are something that might help:
- make your bedroom more sleep friendly
- turn off the light, computer, tv. etc.. whatever is in your room that might distract you.
- Drink warm milk or calmomild tea
- Play some relaxing music like jazz or piano
- practice meditation
- watch your diet, some foods could make you feel uncomfortable
- etc.
Sometime we think we are not stress but reality we are. Maybe your being worry about why you having such a hard time sleeping and you keep thinking about it, and it tend to keep you up even more. Just try to relax and let thing progress naturally.

Margaret K2012-07-16T06:57:29Z

Order some Jigsaw Magesium online. There is no other brand that works as well. Take two at bedtime.

Take 5mg melatonin sustained release at night.

Order "Revitalizing Sleep" blend online, or get another good hops/valerian blend. Take 2 at bedtime.

Also, consider vitamin B6, theanine and evening primrose oil or krill oil at bedtime.

Eliminate ALL light sources from your bedroom.

If you have any allergies that may interfere with your breathing, make sure you are getting them treated, such as taking an allergy medication.


Here are several sleep tips......
.#1 keep a regular sleep time.....
.#2 find a relaxing routine before bed : reading, deep breathing, meditation, hot bath....
.#3 use bed for only : sleeping & sex......
.#4 don't eat 2 hours before bed time......
.#5 keep writing pad by bed : write down thoughts and check them in the morning....


You might have insomnia, a kind of disorder that causes sleep problems. I'm pretty sure there is medication for it so talk to your doctor