My cat can't use her back leg at all?

My cat was limping a little two weeks ago..xrays were perfect so we assumed it was a sprain..this week she was falling over on the side of the bad was completely giving out..xrays were done again...hip..leg ..spine...all were perfect.
It seems like it's more in the hip area that give out when she walks..not the foot itself.
Any one have any ideas???...i'm going to go see an orthopedic specialist but in the mean time i feel terrible not being able to help her.


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Being a non professional;I would say the symptoms you describe could be nerve damage which can be treated via medication.

The key is her eating habits.If she is eating well then you don't have any worries.I know how rough it can be as a responsible guardian.I worry when one of my seven has any ailments,


First of all, you are helping her. You are doing more for your cat than most cat owners would do.
My two cents would be that is more of a spinal nerve problem. X rays normal, progressive weakness and lost of balance, makes me think of spinal problems.
But, some cats get worse before they get better. I had a kitten that wouldn't walk or bear weight for days. Then suddenly stated walking and playing and was fine since then.
Good luck