Batman comic book question?

Okay so i've never read a comic book in my life, but I have very few hobbies so i have alot of cash to burn. After jumping on the Dark Knight bandwagon I think it would be interesting to learn more about batman. (I know the movies are totally different from the comics). So which comic title, brand, branch or whatever its called is the best to subscribe to. Also it would be like for it to follow the main lore and not a weird branch of it like batman 3000 or something like that. I also plan on starting by reading the first comic of the series also btw. Thanks in advance.


Favorite Answer

Well as you may or may not know, DC has released somewhat of a reboot of the Batman and other superheros under a name of New 52. So you may want to start by purchasing New 52 Detective Comics, New 52 Batman & Robin, etc. as for wanting to read some of the older comics, it would be pretty difficult to do so as they aren't really shelved in perfect order in comic stores. Your best bet is to torrent the older ones, if you are okay with it of course.

Carlos Alberto2012-07-24T01:49:39Z

Um to read the first comic issue you have to buy it and it cost A LOT of money like 11 thousand or so but check here
there is a lot from batman in that site from comics to accion figures
Good Luck
And i'm the same as you, I have never read a comic in my life only manga... Anyway Good Luck! XD *thumbs up!*