How to remove a stripped bolt?

Yes I know this has been asked a ton, but here is my dilemma.
I own an 86 El Camino and got a used bumper from a forum. I finally got around to installing it onto my cruck. My state does not need front license plates. So I tried to take off the two bolts holding it on. I got them to spin, but they will not move. I sprayed WD40 on both sides and still will not move.

Now I do not own any cutting tools. Only sockets,wrench,screwdrivers, hammers, pliers you know the basic stuff most people own. So is there any tricks to getting this off?


There is no nut at the other side holding it. It just screws into a hole and screws out. I have tried prying on it with a flat head and using a socket to get it out, but still nothing. Not sure what else to use or do.


Favorite Answer

take it to a small mom & pops garage they will fix for cheap !!!!!

prolly a nut that is factory welding on the inside and it rusted off and now stuck on back of bolt /screw

happens all the time...

WD-40 is a naval invention.............

"water displacement 40th trial".......

was used for condensation in subs for instrumentation

its oil but not the best for penetration for sure

PB-blaster, rust-eater, sea foam name a few


Sweet ride man.

Is there a nut on the end of the bolt? if so, you'll have to hold it still with a wrench in order to remove the bolt.

If there's no nut, it's almost certainly stripped. Since your car is an '86, it's very possible. Since it turns freely, trying pulling the bolt out while turning it left and right. If it's REALLY stripped, it should come out. Pulling it will encourage it to grab onto whatever threads are left.

EDIT: Didn't copy and paste from Erwin, I promise.

Mr easy2012-07-24T18:19:08Z

Get your hands on a chisel and hammer. Simply hit the chisel with it right against the head of the bolt. It should snap of the head. Maybe after that you can figure out how to get the rest out or push it into frame. A very large screwdriver might work but be careful. Old school fix.

Michael S2012-07-24T18:03:23Z

There is probably a nut on the reverse side you must hold onto.

Another thing WD-40 isn't a penetrating oil, nor a rust buster. In fact, I threw away any WD-40 I had because all it does is collect dust on what it was sprayed on and really doesn't even lubricate well.


assuming that there is no nut at the back turning along with the front, then I say turn with a pulling motion together. A vise grip might do it. turn to loosen while at the same time pulling out.