Anyone besides me who has reached a capitulation point and changed from a skeptic to an AGW crusader?

CO2 has caused streetlights to melt. I guess we have screwed things up!


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Yeah, me too, Spidey. You just can't argue with that.


It is hotter than hell here. One day this week was 115F and it will be near that today. I am doing nothing in the field because I don't want to disturb any roots and don't want to remove even dead vegetation. I moved all the animals (3 horses, a goat, a sheep, and a chicken ) into the woods (shaded) and the trees are dropping their leaves trying to save water. The animals are drinking 100+ gallons of water a day. I have enough tanks for 150-175 gallons. 50 gallons typically last them 2 days. I can't water the field. My well is not big enough and I don't want to run it dry. The city water supply is 10-11 feet low and we are rationing water in town.

I think those globes may be glass that glass melted.


I doubt that many people could stomach reading the whole article but on the bottom it reveals what really probably distorted the lights. This is one of the great classics of over exaggeration and buffoonery.

<<<It's possible the heat itself isn't responsible for the event — it's being reported on Facebook that a nearby dumpster fire may have been the cause of the melting plastic light housings. Still, that dumpster fire was caused and aggravated by the record heat and dryness. And if dangerous, spontaneous fires aren't reason enough to go green, we don't know what is.>>

david b2012-08-03T15:50:39Z


Yeah, I agree with you and Jim and Peter. This is a shoddy, crap piece of journalism aimed at sensationalism instead of reporting reality.

Despite your viewpoint on the issue, global warming projects incremental increases in global temperature which may lead to more extremes.

Plastic melting is not going to be caused by anthropogenic global warming. At least not any time soon.


I have to agree that this is compelling evidence in favour of CAGW. I also read they found about 12 or so burnt cigarettes on the ground in Oklahoma which were probably set on fire by global warming.

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