Why is it that Creationists say there's no evidence for evolution but accept God's existence on faith?
They claim that evolution is just a "theory" with no proof but then accept their religion purely on faith with no evidence. Makes no sense.
They claim that evolution is just a "theory" with no proof but then accept their religion purely on faith with no evidence. Makes no sense.
Favorite Answer
They take hypocrisy to a whole new level!
uh hello?
Evolution was God's idea
He created it
And saying that beings as great as human beings came from a big bang is like saying millions of words exploded and somehow fell into place as a dictionary
yeah no....doesn't happen
Because you'd have to be a moron to believe in evolution. Where did the first particle of matter come from to evolve? case closed.. grow a brain dingus.
Faith is a type of knowledge. Its an understanding of the nature of God, not a leap. Very rational actually.
As for evolution - http://www.discovery.org/scripts/viewDB/filesDB-download.php?id=660 (read this)
old advice
If you want to believe you came into being from a monkey then why do we still have monkeys?
God is the intelligence that created everything from nothing.
If you have nothing to start with, it is impossible for anything to happen and that includes the so called big bang.
An empty void needs an intelligence to start our creation.
People who don't want to believe in God do not want to answer to him.