Romney's tax plan , did you do your research or just repeat something you heard?
Since I have seen no less than 4 questions about Romney's tax plan robbing from the poor to give to the rich in just the last 20 minutes. Did you guys check up on it? read the plan? Read any other views other than the Obama view?
Perhaps another view - Flat-out lies on Romney's tax plan , from Diana Furchtgott-Roth - former chief economist at the U.S. Department of Labor and Senior Fellow at the Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
I see most just repeating still without even looking at the article or anyting. One asked for tax plan. Here is a link to the tax brackets and here is the plan outline
And mu mittens. ( name calling is so juvenile ) here analysis IS OF the Tax Policy Center's analysis. She has the creds and she says they are full of **** and shows why
And mittens I am not a republican. and you didnt read the article i linked either.. im not suprised.
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I didn't hear obama's opinion. I read a thorough analysis of Romney's tax policy on the non partisan tax policy center website, penned by two well respected economists from both parties. BOTH economists agreed that Romney will raise taxes on 95% of Americans. Instead of disputing their analysis with actual facts, Romney chose to ignore the facts and jost pretend that the tax policy center is lying....that republican economists are lying, while STILL a week later refusing to present any EVIDENCE to validate their claims.
I recollect within the primaries Romney and most of the other Republicans proposed elevating Taxes on anybody making not up to $50,000 per 12 months, as part of the conservative vendetta towards the bad. Naturally Romney has no longer been speakme about this plan, and that i want Obama would call him out on it extra. I make greatly less than $50,000 per year (sure, i am almost always a type of horrible men and women in "the forty seven%") and that i cannot come up with the money for a tax develop. This plan is generally one of the vital largest motives I voted Democrat this year. Now not only am i able to no longer come up with the money for the tax develop however I to find it hypocritical that Republicans need to raise taxes once they blasted Obama for supposedly looking to raise taxes and situated the TEA get together. Whilst i'm additionally Taxed ample Already but it surely's not Obama or the Democrats who're making an attempt to elevate taxes. I additionally find the Republican occasion's perspective towards "the 47%" disgusting. I do not admire being known as lazy or accused of residing off of the federal government teat. It's true I receive Stafford Loans and Pell grants but the entire Conservative students i know do too and think nothing of it even as they lambast welfare recipients. I work three jobs in addition to being a full time student and that i resent being accused of Laziness by the Republicans who want to redistribute my money to the wealthy.
Republicans are so cute when they are indignant. They can lie all day long about changes to welfare or law suits in Ohio or even what Obama said in a speech. Yet when they think they have caught the other side in a like, they are like a kid walking into a Toys R Us for the first time. You just want to pat them on the head and say 'have at it'.
However, there is the inevitable let down where you have to tell the child that he can't take anything home with him or, in this case, score a meaningful political points. Furchtgott-Roth's analysis is superficial at best. What you are doing is precisely what you are criticizing the Obama supporters of doing. Why is her analysis any more valid than that of the TPC? The TCP document is very detailed. If the Romney campaign wanted to address the subject seriously they would post the report on their web site and state specifically what is and isn't correct about Romney's plan. Furchtgott-Roth's column doesn't come close to doing that. And it doesn't help her case that the article is written in a very partisan, condescending tone.
Well, the thing is reverse Robin Hoodism is exactly what he must be talking about if everything he says is true. Lowers all brackets by 20%. Revenue neutral. Broadens the tax base. Eliminates credits, deductions and exemptions.
Since he won't tell us HOW he'll broaden the tax base or which credits and deductions he'll eliminate, we just have to piece it together the way he says it will work. And for all four points to be true, the bottom will have to pay more and the top will pay less.
Romney's said he wants to lower income tax 20% across the board, so from a strictly dollar to dollar standpoint more-wealthy people would get to keep more additional dollars than people who earn less. Obama equates this to an unfair benefit for the wealthy which he equates to being an unfair disadvantage to the middle class. That he then equates to the middle class bearing more of the burden of paying taxes, which he then equates to a tax increase.
Clearly there's some faulty logic in there, but I believe that's how Obama got to the point of claiming Romney wants to raise taxes on the middle class so he can give tax breaks to the wealthy.