If i have cellulite on my thighs does that mean it will spread to my butt too?

So i noticed that when I press the back of my legs or my thighs it dimples. I'm guessing I have the infamous cellulite. Been wondering this..and if so is there a way to stop it from spreading? dont say losing weight cause sadly I'm currently underweight, and yes i know there's no direct cure but at least somehting that can help.


Favorite Answer

It might, or it might not. There is no way to know for sure. Cellulite is actually a skin condition in which bands of connective tissue shrink or become less elastic, which allows the fatty cells which we all have just below our skin (if we are healthy) to sort of poke through in little pockets. Dr. Oz did almost a whole show about it not too long ago and explained how it occurs, and a few things you can do about it. Exercise will help, as will eating a healthy diet. There are not special creams you can buy that will help restore elasticity to the skin and that can help reduce the appearance of cellulite. The truth is that we all have it. Check here to see what he says we can do about it. Check out each site as they are each a little different.
