Why are we and everything here?

Are we just the result of a random event billions of years ago that came to be after evolutionary changes or are we the experiment of some deity? Also why is it so important to people? If we are the work of some deity, why? Is existence, not just of living matter but all matter and energy just pointless? Why is there anything rather than a vast empty void of dark nothing?

Additionally, why don't people just search for "What is the meaning of life?" rather than ask the same question over and over? I see that question so many times here and although my question is very similar it is different from the average 'meaning of life' question.

Jim V2012-08-12T19:24:43Z

Favorite Answer

<<Are we just the result of a random event billions of years ago that came to be after evolutionary changes or are we the experiment of some deity? >>

The universe began to exist, therefore it had a cause. That cause is required to be transcendent of the effect. No, the universe coming into existence (the Big Bang) is not just a random event. That said, we are not an experiment. Experiment implies - see what happens.

<<Also why is it so important to people?>>

Because it defines the basis of reality (mind or matter). It defines our purpose for existence. It tells us if morality is objective or subjective and if there is more than this life or not.

<< If we are the work of some deity, why? >>

To live in relationship and service of God, and each other.

<<Is existence, not just of living matter but all matter and energy just pointless? >>

If the materialist/naturalist/scientistic view of reality is correct, then there is no real point to our existence. We are just an accident of chemical processes on that view.
If the universe, and us, are created in and for a purpose, then there is a point to existence.

<<Why is there anything rather than a vast empty void of dark nothing?>>

"The first question which should rightly be asked," wrote G.W.F. Leibniz, is " Why is there something rather than nothing?"



In this universe, we are really insignificant considering there are so many events that are happening in other galaxies that we cannot fathom, simply because we don't know. Who knows in a billion years, our race may no longer exist due to some catastrophic event that decimates the world population like a comet hitting earth. Or if we manage to live past a billion years, lack of resources may be our downfall. In either case, the earth naturally rebuilds and probably a new species emerges as the dominant top of the food chain animal. We really don't matter that much. There is no proof that there is or there isn't a god/deity, so we'll just leave it as that.

All I know is that scientists are saying the universe is constantly expanding and we have no idea what is outside the universe. Most like "nothingness" if there is such a thing. But thinking beyond that right now is pointless, because there is so little we know.

On a basic level, the meaning of life is to procreate and pass our genes down to the next generation. It's in our DNA and the purpose is to survive. Why do we need to survive? Don't know. But it seems like every species is out there to live as long as possible.

We can ponder about the meaning of life all day and never reach an answer. We can however focus on the things we can control, which is do what you want in life. We only have one chance, our present moment, to control a portion of our destiny. So if doing what makes you happy is enough, then I think you are already halfway there.


You mentioned are we the result of some random event billions of years ago resulting in evolution and deity .... do you not think its possible that some deity caused that seemingly random event billions of years ago thus catalyzing evolution .... just a thought ..... also I think people propose the question "What is the meaning of life" in a rhetorical sense mostly because lets face it while it is a grand and interesting venture it is rather complicate, would take lifetimes to even cause a dent in progress, and when you think about it once you know the answer it all becomes sort of meaningless doesn't it ... the meaning of life is a great mystery that really shouldn't be solved ... Also does life need a meaning I think just living is an impressive enough thing in itself and is you do find the meaning of life and it ends up sucking then wouldn't you wish that you had never asked the question to begin with ... it would be like the matrix (sorry for the corny reference) you could be perfectly happy living in a peaceful and happy lie or you could be woken up and realize your purpose is to power machines while your body sits in a stasis unit under an endless cloud cover

Hope I helped = 3


these question I think are something that will never be known. sure these could be possibilities of what really is, but no one will ever know for sure. I believe I've figured out "the meaning of life" though... and by that I mean, I know what "our purpose" here is, or why we as people strive to exist. Our soul purpose on earth is to have fun. It's an answer that's so simple, that I'm surprised nobody could figure it out before. Why do we wake up in the morning? Why do we go to school for 12+ years? Why do we try to find a good job? Why do we need money? Well certainly we need money just to survive and live, but what do we use the extra cash leftover we get from our jobs? It's merely just to enjoy ourselves and live our lives, having as much fun as possible before we perish.


We are here merely because a million reasons. To find a answer you must:
1. Die
2. Know everything
3. All of the above.

We live, we live some more. That's all. Don't question. Just live.

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