De Jager and DuHau have published a new solar paper. New solar GRAND minimum coming. What is climate impact?
The last solar Grand minimum was in the 17th century and is known as the Maunder Minimum.
If we enter a New Grand Minimum, due to infrequent events we currently know little about specific impacts and can only use proxies and past trending for projections, What do you believe will occur to the global climate on Earth.
Nearly all scientists agree this will mean cooling. There are areguement/debates on how impactful or extreme this could be. Some argue little cooling that will be mostly or wholly negated by AGW. some argue possible dramatic cooling even to the point of a possible onset of the next ice age.
If the Grand Minimum does come to pass as this paper seek to suggest we are still not sure how deep or long it will last. The Maunder Minimum lasted for more than a century. I am quite sure that the exact impact of this Grand Minimum owuld depend on how deep and long the grand Solar Minimum is.
the quesiton is, how impactful do you beleive this will be?
EDIT: After a more careful reading, while a Solar Grand minimum is possible the paper predicts a change but something more on the order of the Dalton Minimum. (Much less severe) The quesiton however still remains, how impactful do you bleeive this will be?
Edit: Hey Dook again you express your utter ignorance with such clarity. You should look a the paper you can see its publisher and you can read the details, facts, suppositions and findings on your own.