When are conservatives going to stop calling themselves Pro-life and use the correct term Pro-birther?

there's nothing pro-life about conservatives.. the wars in the Mideast is a prime example of that and their desire to let poor American children, women and men starve to death or die because they can't get medical treatment so why not just call themselves for what they really are and that's being "pro-birth"?


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if all humans could stay in the womb, republicans would support equality and freedom
its born people they dont like
pre-born and born-again, but not in between

Person Who You Never Met Before2012-08-29T22:51:14Z

Why don’t those starving men and women get a job and support themselves? Why do they depend on the government to do it for them? Why would they have children if they cannot take care of them? Makes no sense to me. We are a nation of blamers and entitlement. They are out there fighting for us so that we may have this freedom of being government dependent, jobless, weak people. A very dangerous situation, if you ask me, that could only lead to disastrous effects.