Do you think the so called media will be as critical of Obamas speech ...?

.. and all others that speak at the Dem convention as they have been of Ryan and the other speakers here at the Republican convention. Will they be busy calling him a liar 2 minutes after he finishes???


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lol ........... No.

They will be falling all over themselves (the MSM anyway) to justify anything that is said.

We all see and know how biased the MSM is about Obama and liberals. That could be why their ratings are so low.


Of course they will. There's no reason to even make a speech anymore. No one cares about his *plans*. Obviously it's who can afford the bigger campaign that's gonna take the cake this year.

You know the Romney administration actually released a movie into like 1400 theaters in the western US that was basically just a smear campaign? It was called 2016: Obama's America and was about all the different ways Obama is going to ruin America. Not ONE mention of anything Romney would do to fix America. Just bashing and hate.
They encouraged you to wear red white and blue to the showing and literally said the words (in a craigslist add)
"If you don't see this movie, well then you are becoming one of the SHEEP!"
As if you can avoid turning into a sheep-person by doing what the republicans say. Or what anyone says, for that matter.

Nonsensical all around. We should all stop paying attention and talk about something interesting already.


Of course not. The press will continue to give Obama a free pass on hist past almost four years in the White House. The press is working the election to be about personalities and not issues. Because Obama has the best chance of winning with this as the campaign strategy.

When the press decides Romney is doing a flip-flop on an issue they scream loud and long. When Obama does likewise it only means that his policies are 'maturing'.

Jack Herring2012-08-30T22:41:48Z

After hearing Ryan's speech it made me wonder how hard it must be to write a speech completely void of facts.


If obama just stands there without talking, msnbc and others will say rhat the greatest speech they ever heard.

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