How come George W. didn't speak at the RNC?

Since it was Obama that destroyed all W had done it would be natural for RNC to put him in the Spotlight. He might have done better than Clint.


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Repubs don't EVER bring up George Bush Sr. OR Jr. They always go back 25 years to Reagan. Why? Because they know good and well their last 2 Presidents were losers.


i've got not heard every physique criticize Sotomayor for misspeaking. Obama with out his teleprompter, besides the shown fact that.....and then there is Joe Biden.....I criticize Sotomayor for thinking that because of the fact she's a Latina from long island she's finally smarter than different Whites, somewhat adult males. I criticize her for her prejudice.


These conventions are designed to target independents because that is how you win votes. Going around parading the same politicians over and over again will get old. Having other politicians and people all across the country will give independents knowledge of what the party is all about.


They showed a video of him. G.W. has a
lot more class than BHO has and he has said before that he would stay silent and not speak out about BHO and I think this just shows the lack of class obama has.


He claims he didn't want to come, but I'm sure the RNC was very glad he didn't show.

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