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buffytou asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

GOPs, does it worry you that...?

Obama can get 80,000 people to come and hear him speak while McCain struggles to get 300?

Obama raises more money in a day, in small contributions from average Americans, than McCain raises in a month from all of those corporate lobbyists and wealthy Republicans?

That across the country in special election after special election, Democrats are winning even though some of these districts went overwhelmingly for George W. Bush and haven't voted Democrat is over 40 years, and the national RNC poured in millions of dollars, to no avail?


Tony H: As I understand it, you are arguing that electing the most popular candidate is a bad idea. What exactly are you proposing?

Update 2:

Devil's Advocate: Do you realize how racist your statement is?

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is the beauty of Democracies isn't it? American politics has cycled this way since the country's inception. Its your turn now and when you phuck it all up the worm will turn.

  • 1 decade ago

    The impression that Obama is getting contributions from 'average americans' worries me a bit. Political contributions are often organized by special interests. The come in as 'small contributions' but they're actually coordinated (sometimes, even funded) by very large organizations.

    Contributors pay out to candidates they think will win. Obama's raising money like crazy because those wanting to 'buy access' to the next president are betting it'll be him. They're probably right.

  • 1 decade ago

    No not at all. Politics is an ever evolving process. If Dems can run on issues that are real and involve many Americans that care about them we can be swayed. The pendulum swings back and forth so we know eventually Democrats will run the White house. Its a reality we all except especially if you know anything about history.

  • 1 decade ago

    No it doesn't worry me because I think the American people could vote for Bozo the clown and It wouldn't make any difference. The congress and the supreme court run this country, not the president.

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  • 1 decade ago

    It does worry a bit, but many of those people that say they support Obama either will change their minds come election day or think hes such a shoe in will not bother to vote.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It only goes to show that the number of foolish, gullible Americans are more than one would have supposed. Fortunately, many of those particular Americans won't bother to actually go and vote when it really matters, so McCain will easily win the election. But we have all known that for the past several months now. The Democrats need to stop their insistence on running far-left socialists that are too elitist to appeal to the majority of American voters.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well I am not a GOP however it worries me that anyone would think that any of these candidate are cut from a different cloth!!

    ALL THREE ANd this inclues OBAMA are senators who are princing around the country trying to get votes while collecting pay checks for being the voice of the people who made them Senator!!! ALL THREE!! ARE SCREWING The people of their district!!! If any normal citizen had a job and didn't do their job they would not get rewarded with a better position they would be CANNED!!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Nope not at all. I remember this kind of talk in 2004 when dems thought they had it locked up. They had all the young votes remember? Except the children forgot to vote. Besides Republicans will come out in record numbers in order to keep Obama or Hillary out of the white house.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think Dems are wising up a little and the ones that winning are taking a more moderate approach. The downfall of the Dems is that they let the far left of their party have too much power. only 20% of the country describes themselves as Liberal compared to the 40% + that are moderate. Yes, if more Dems come to center then the GOP is in trouble.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It makes me worry about the intelligence of Democrats and the dark path they want to take this country down..

    That they foam at the mouth and cream their jeans over a freshman Senator, former minor state Representative, lawyer, who has attended a racist church for 20 years, and who's platform is blatantly Socialist/Fascist/Marxist. His economic platform just illustrates his total lack of understanding of macro-economics or his hate for capitalism. Very scary.

  • McCain's lost the conservative base and Obama is just a cult following.

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