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22 female 5 feet 0 inches, brown hair, brown eyes, and cute as a button (I hope). Recently out of school and working hard. I'm trying to figure out what to do with my life. I believe in working hard and playing harder. While life is not one big party, if you can't have fun, what is the point? I am currently single and looking. Anyone out there interested? I probably won't meet any of you in person, but it would be nice to chat and who knows... I'm looking for someone around my age, responsible, nice, kind, gentle, good dancer, cute, witty, liberal, and as smart as a whip. My ideal mate would be someone who meets the above criteria and is ready to start a family. He must set my heart afire. I want a best friend, lover, and soulmate. I want it all. Or anyone can start a conversation. Websites: Bumperstickers: Politics: Forum:

  • What is the difference between?

    Palestinians celebrating the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and Republicans both openly celebrating the defeat of the US in getting the Olympics and openly praying for the US economy to "fail"?

    Other than degree, aren't they really the same thing?

    3 AnswersOlympics1 decade ago
  • Why do Republicans believe that studying and getting good grades are socialist?

    Republicans have been falling over themselves saying that Obama's talk with school kids telling them to study, work hard, and get good grades, are socialist ideals which are an anathema to the Republican party.

    Do they really believe this or are they just being obstructionist and anti-American? Are they really praying for American school kids to fail?

    17 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups1 decade ago
  • What does the new porn study say about Republicans?

    According to a new study which is summerized here, Utah is the largest consumer of internet porn of any state. The top three states for consuming internet porn all voted for McCain. 7 out of the top 10 voted for McCain. In fact, it appears that Republicans consume 16.5 times as much porn as Democrats.

    Is this your idea of family values?

    33 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • What did Palin mean when she said?

    That anyone who doesn't support the McCain ticket is "anti-American"? What did she mean when she said that the Atlantic states were all "socialist".

    Did she mispeak? Or does she really believe that?

    6 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • GOPs, does it worry you that...?

    Obama can get 80,000 people to come and hear him speak while McCain struggles to get 300?

    Obama raises more money in a day, in small contributions from average Americans, than McCain raises in a month from all of those corporate lobbyists and wealthy Republicans?

    That across the country in special election after special election, Democrats are winning even though some of these districts went overwhelmingly for George W. Bush and haven't voted Democrat is over 40 years, and the national RNC poured in millions of dollars, to no avail?

    24 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Is cheney lonely?

    I was thinking that Cheney's hate and dishonesty was just typically Republican immorality, possibly brought on by the same stroke that gave him his sneer, but then I got to thinking.

    Maybe he is just lonely. After all, he doesn't have many friends and he has a habit of shooting those he has. Perhaps if he had friends then he would treat the world like Second Life instead of like Doom. Maybe if he had the love of an honest woman, he would be quite as hateful towards others. He might even be sane enough to be a Democrat, although perhaps that is going too far.

    I would just settle for rational behavior. After all, is that too much to ask from our commander-in-chief?

    What do you think? Can extreme lonelyness bring on rampant Republicanism? Can not having a friend cause someone to start spying on his neighbors and torturing political prisoners?

  • Has you noticed?

    Have you noticed that most, if not all, of those people claiming to be Clinton supporters bashing Obama, or Obama supporters bashing Clinton, all seem very off the end right wing in their other posts?

    Do you think that this is the usual Republican dirty tricks or just a coincidence?

    7 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • Jeff Gannon?

    A few years ago, one of Bush's senior staff arranged for a male prostitute (Jeff Gannon) to have press credentials so that he could ask softball questions. Jeff Gannon also had sleepovers at the White House. Did the White House ever admit who Gannon slept with?

    3 AnswersMedia & Journalism1 decade ago
  • Vitter vs Spitzer?

    How come the Republicans support other Republicans having affairs with prostitutes, but are against Democrats having affair with prostitutes?

    With Spitzer, the Republicans met and decided within 15 minutes that Spitzer had 24 hours to resign or else.

    With David Vitter, the Republicans gave him support and forgiveness and a standing ovation. (

    Are Republicans aware of exactly how obvious their hypocracy and deceipt go? Or are they as clueless as they seem?

    What about the poor saps who keep supporting them. If you consistanty condone and support unethical and dishonest behavior, doesn't that mean that you are as dishonest and unethical as the people whose immorality you expouse?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • Is our children learning?

    and why don't educated people ask the question.

    21 AnswersSpecial Education1 decade ago
  • Why is it that the Republican elite won't give Ron Paul a fair shake?

    Why is it that the Republican elite won't give Ron Paul a fair shake?

    They keep throwing barriers in his way and using Republican propaganda outfits to slander and attack him. Why are they afraid of Ron Paul's popularity?

    25 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • I made level 6.?

    I made level 6.

    I guess I have no life.

    Is this a question?

    12 AnswersOther - Games & Recreation1 decade ago
  • What is the difference between a Conservative and an Obstructionist?

    The dictionary defines them both the same

    Conservative - "disposed to preserve existing conditions", "tending to oppose change", "resistant to change"

    Obstructionist - "a person who deliberately delays or prevents progress", "someone who systematically obstructs some action that others want to take"

    12 AnswersPolitics1 decade ago
  • Which perfume?

    Ladies: Which perfume do you prefer to wear?

    Men: Which perfume do you prefer your date to wear?

    Me, I'm partial to Coco.

    18 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Why to GOPs say that Clinton is unelectable.?,9171,1...

    The latest polls show that 81 percent of Americans think that she is intelligent, 67 percent think she is politically moderate, 53 percent says that she makes a favorable impression.

    66 percent say she is a strong leader with strong family values. More that half say that she is open, friendly, understands their problems and is honest. 54 percent view her favorably.

    And yet the GOP claims that she can't win and that no one likes her or trusts her. My question is why do they say this? I suspect the reason is that they know they will lose to her. I'm wondering if any GOPs out there can make a rational argument.

    27 AnswersElections1 decade ago
  • I'm shrinking?

    In my adult life, I've always been 5 feet 0 inches exactly. This morning I had a doctor's appointment and measured 4 feet 11 3/4 inches. Should I be worried? I can't afford to lose the little bit of height that I have. This would be funny if it were happening on a sitcom. Now how am I supposed to reach the stuff on the top shelf? I already feel silly having to keep a step stool in the kitchen. Just once I'd light to be able to change a light bulb without having to ask a bf or neighbor.

    Yes, I know that I should have asked the doctor, but I forgot.

    13 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • What is it with Republicans and English?

    Why is it that Republicans hate Mexicans who cannot speak English but love presidents who cannot speak English?

    Of course, there are a lot of people in this country, legally or illegally who cannot speak English. Why don't Republicans ever complain about them either?

    Why does Republican hatred of non-English speakers only apply to Mexicans and why do Republicans assume that anyone who speaks Spanish is an illegal immigrant?

    11 AnswersLanguages1 decade ago
  • Blonde joke?

    A blonde walks up to a guy in a bar and says "I'll do anything you want for $50.00. The guy says "OK, paint my porch".

    The next day, the blonde shows up at the guy's house holding a bucket of paint. "I'm finished", she says. "Oh, and by the way, it isn't a porche, its a mercedes".

    16 AnswersJokes & Riddles1 decade ago