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buffytou asked in Society & CultureLanguages · 1 decade ago

What is it with Republicans and English?

Why is it that Republicans hate Mexicans who cannot speak English but love presidents who cannot speak English?

Of course, there are a lot of people in this country, legally or illegally who cannot speak English. Why don't Republicans ever complain about them either?

Why does Republican hatred of non-English speakers only apply to Mexicans and why do Republicans assume that anyone who speaks Spanish is an illegal immigrant?


The Conservatives answering this question seem to have missed the point. I'm not questioning why Republicans dislike people who don't speak English. I am questioning why this dislike of non-English speakers only applies to Mexicans and Hispanics and not to Europeans.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Honestly? I think they're racist.

    I've certainly never been horribly inconvenienced because someone couldn't speak/understand English. And I live in Florida. About a quarter of the people I meet every day are non-native English speakers. To act like it's some horrible crime is just blowing things WAY out of proportion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    (Mi esposa es Mexicana, yo si es gringo).

    Gal, I read your profile, and can offer these observations:

    1. NOT all Reps, are this way, as not all Dem's, however, the 'politically correctness ' that now abounds in this country, proposes that ALL citizens / inhabitants of the USA speak English.

    2. Often, the reasoning for #1 is, those who proclaim 'English only' , often are either unable, or unwilling to take the time / trouble to become somewhat familiar with a foreign language,

    #3. If those who fit #2 above, were to acquire a working knowledge of a 'foreign language', they would also gain knowledge of another culture, and their traditions.

    This is simply an unacceptable condition to them. I personally speak 3 languages, and a son, speaks - fluently 4, with a working ability in 2 more.

    PLEASE Understand, I AM NOT PUTTING DOWN MY COUNTRYMEN, only some of those who refuse to broaden their knowledge horizons.

    ( Leer mi profil, por favor.)

    Please read my profile.

  • 1 decade ago

    Due to its own decisions on the direction of the party, made in the 1980s and 1990s, the Republican Party has become most attractive to this country's lowest common denominator--poorly educated, vain, consumerist, greedy, and narrow-minded--whether they're Fundamentalist Bible-thumpers or SUV-driving denizens of suburban yuppie hives, who aren't capable of thinking past their next measly tax return, which they'll use to buy potato chips, video games for their kids, and larger-sized Dockers.

    These are people who scream about "illiteracy" among Mexicans, but drive down the road while their infant children watch TV's blaring into the back seat, people who (very quietly, of course) wonder why little Brad can't read.

    The Republican Party dug its grave by appealing to this sector.

    The future is in the hands of the Democrats, the Libertarians, and perhaps a new party.

  • aston
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I in basic terms imagine that in this one its style of a majority rules variety of element. What occurs in case you pass to Germany yet won't be able to communicate German, France and French etc etc. you won't be able to confer with easily all and multiple and assimilate into the society you have become element of. i might want to inspire those who pass to a rustic to talk the significant language there, regardless of the truth that, i might want to by no skill attempt to make it the "nationwide Language." usual Language might want to be ok. the element is its a lot less annoying for individuals to study English than for each of the English audio gadget to study 80 different languages. nonetheless, attending to understand a language is hard. i imagine that free on line classes or something to help human beings study might want to be about the perfect element shall we do to bridge that hollow.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're making quite a few erroneous assumptions.

    It's not a matter of hate. To me quite simply WHOM EVER comes to reside or work in the United States should attempt to learn enough English to be able to function with those whom do not speak their native language.

    For a society to flourish it must share some common traits, language should be one of them.

  • 1 decade ago

    I am an equal opportunity grammar-basher. However, I do think that you need to make the demarcation of the Mexicans who do not speak English, and the Americans who do not speak PROPER English. There is a difference there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Spin spin spin away!!

    I am a conservative married to a Mexican who speaks fluent Spanish but, knows that English is the official language of America. She does not consider herself to be a Mexican or a Mexican-American, just an American and a proud one at that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Republicans hate anyone that isn't white middle or upper class.

    According to most of them, Jesus is a white American middle class male that disapproves of anyone not like them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Great question, I would love to outsource the President, V.P. and their Cabinet, to Mexico, with a big kick in the ash and take away all their Visa's also.

    maybe they would try harder to learn english, if they lived more than 1 week.

    Source(s): The biggest company's running this country love having a stupid Robot, that try's to speak english and read their thoughts to us, but he cant even read whats given to him on paper correctly. He spent to much time down on the ranch smoking ditch weeds. and in college to many days at cheer leader practice. And then at the Frat party's to much liquior and Drugs, now his brain has been effected.
  • 1 decade ago

    I think alot of people are sick and tired of pushing "button 1 for english".

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