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buffytou asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What does the new porn study say about Republicans?

According to a new study which is summerized here, Utah is the largest consumer of internet porn of any state. The top three states for consuming internet porn all voted for McCain. 7 out of the top 10 voted for McCain. In fact, it appears that Republicans consume 16.5 times as much porn as Democrats.

Is this your idea of family values?

33 Answers

  • Tiff
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Family values have little to do with porn in my opinion.

    I will say republican women are much better in bed, so porn is probably doing some good. Maybe it would help some of the cold stiff libs.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Live Sex Webcam Girls -
  • 5 years ago

    I wonder how good this research is. I'm a very left-leaning Democrat, think the GOP is wrong on most major issues -- but does this have anything to do with whether Republicans like porn or not? Is there any way to prove that the people who vote Republican the mostly reliably in State "X" are the biggest porn users? Or could there be a sizeable minority of liberal Democrats in some of these conservative states, who are big porn viewers themselves? In other words, I think this may be a fake issue. I really disagree with what most Republicans believe about the economy, civil rights of minorities, etc. etc. But I don't think their taste in porn is any of my business.

  • 1 decade ago

    Haha this question is hilarious. I didn't think Libs had any problem with porn, unless a bf or something becomes addicted to it and it strikes a nerve. I don't really think porn is really an issue of red state compared to blue state. Unless people in red states aren't getting laid as much and need to turn to porn. Do red state women put out less than blue state women? I haven't had any issues no matter what state I've been in, but I do notice in bigger cities it seems like the chase ends much quicker, either no interest or a trip to the bedroom in no time flat.

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  • Pfo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Correlation is not causation, knowing that many individuals in those states watch porn, and knowing that those states are red states doesn't mean it's all Republicans watching porn. Utah, Arizona and other states that voted for McCain are not 100% Republican, in most states the balance is close to 50-50, and the difference is never more than 10%.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Thank you. It's almost the best question I have seen.

    Nothing wrong with porn. It's beautiful for economy and for people who need it.

    My problem is that christian republican preaching abstinence, self-control, some no-sex-before marriage, the ones that want to close strip clubs, ... are the ones actually wanking in front of their computers the most.

    It just shows how unnatural, frustrated these people are. I love porn but I don't hide it. I don't lie and pretend I have the "best" values and do the exact opposite

  • 1 decade ago

    No, that is my idea of more GOP and Christian right hypocrisy.

    It works this way.

    Live how I say you should and I'll live like I want and pretend to be holier than thou.

    I live in a very Christian conservative area and there are more adult book stores and strip clubs in this city of 350,000 than there is in Austin TX (very liberal and almost 1,000,000 people)

    @ tim d: My experience is not that GOP women are better in bed. I generally found them more uptight and less willing to try new things.

  • 1 decade ago

    How here can't actually READ the article and wondering HOW they got data...?


    Everything on computers is accounted for. If somebody wants to see how many google searches were made for what and where it isn't hard to do.

    Red staters - listen to TOO much of pervert Rush Limbaugh - to think for themselves!

    And plus - doesn't it just make sense that most frustrated people would be those who live in denial of the boots-on-the-ground truth? and then need to find ways to vent and escape?

    Source(s): What the heII is Rush Limbaugh doing with 15 year old girls and Viagra in the Bahamas????????????? Doesn't it all just fit the Red Repub Profile - I dunno - ask Ted Haggert!
  • 1 decade ago

    This Study was conducted with $$$ from the Stimulus Package. Your Tax Dollars At Work.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    What a bunch of petty crap, I live in a Democrat sate, I'm conservative I've never watched or had porn in my home ! A study like that is just stupid ! There is nothing scientific about it ! It is just manipulating numbers to meet an agenda , much like the democrats do !

    Let's not forget that your president dummy just made the biggest lawyer for the porn industry the deputy attorney general ! Yet another of his great picks !

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