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Vitter vs Spitzer?

How come the Republicans support other Republicans having affairs with prostitutes, but are against Democrats having affair with prostitutes?

With Spitzer, the Republicans met and decided within 15 minutes that Spitzer had 24 hours to resign or else.

With David Vitter, the Republicans gave him support and forgiveness and a standing ovation. (

Are Republicans aware of exactly how obvious their hypocracy and deceipt go? Or are they as clueless as they seem?

What about the poor saps who keep supporting them. If you consistanty condone and support unethical and dishonest behavior, doesn't that mean that you are as dishonest and unethical as the people whose immorality you expouse?


The information was made public in July of 2007. Some of the information was 6 years old. He was married at the time.

Again, identical story - power high ranking married politician pays for sex with prostitute. The only differences are

1. The Democrat resigns citing the need for personal responsibility. The Republican remains in office citing "private matter"

2. The Republicans condemn the Democrat for immoral behavior and threaten to impeach him. The Republicans stand by, support, and applaud the Republican.

Note that in both cases, the Democrats call for resignation. At least one party is composed of honest people.

Can anyone defend the Republicans' hypocrasy and dishonesty?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. Supporting a group either through votes or membership is a way to voice your support of that group. Of course, not everyone supports every policy of the groups they belong to. However, to say that you support the Republican party but dislike all the corruption, dishonesty, and hypocracy of the Republican party would be hypocritical. As you see the lack of morality in the party matches very well with the lack of morality of its members.

    Some organizations are so corrupt, so dishonest, or have policies that are so morally repugnant that one cannot be a member of that organization unless one also holds the same view. It would be kind of like saying that you are a proud member of the KKK or the Nazi party, but disagree with their racism. Or like saying that you are a Christian and then vote Republican because you dislike liberals (like Jesus). Anyone can call themselves a Christian, but you aren't one unless you actually practice Christianity.

  • 1 decade ago

    As a criminal lawyer, I can tell you that the official story that the investigation of Spitzer was triggered by some bank officials who called the IRS about some cash deposits, is most likely a lie. Far more likely is that Spitzer was specifically targeted by the US Justice Department, as he would be considered a political enemy of Bush and his allies. And contrary to the poster who suggested that the FBI got a warrant to tap Spitzer's phone, there is no evidence that such a warrant was obtained.

    The fact that the US Justice Dept. was trying to use the Mann Act to nail Spitzer almost certainly means that Spitzer was targeted for political reasons. The Mann Act is an old and obsolete law that has only been used to charge political enemies. The two most prominent cases on record, for example, were against Charlie Chaplin, the great silent film comedian from days of old, and Jack Johnson, the great black boxer. Chaplin was hated by the government because he was very influential and used his influence to attack various establishment enterprises. Johnson made racist white men envious because he was able to earn lots of money and he attracted scores of white women, at a time when civil rights were not protected in this country. These were the kind of people charged with the Mann Act. (I should point out that the activities of the US Justice Dept. are in violation of the 4th Amendment to the US Constitution, but Bush is certainly not going to appoint an indepedent prosecutor to investigate and charge the officials involved. Slowly but surely, civil rights are being eradicated.)

    As for your references to Craig and Vitter, Craig admitted to his crime and signed a statement to that effect which he unsuccessfully tried to revoke. The judge refused to help Craig undo his admission, since there was no coersion or other improper police procedures involved. Vitter has not been charged, although he could easily have been, and on several grounds. You are correct that neither of them have stepped down. If the US Justice Dept chose to, they could be investigated and illegally wiretapped as well, but, as you suggest, there are powerful corporate interests that protect them every bit as much as those same interests went after Spitzer with a vengeance.

    If you really want to understand the motivations behind the US Justice Dept.'s phony crusade, check out best selling writer Greg Pallast's article at this link.

  • 1 decade ago

    It probably has to do with that fact the Spitzer was one of the most arrogant politicians in years. The man is a total joke, he tried to use his power to get headlines to advance his own career. He's not so high and mighty now is he? Then his many controversial policies, where to begin? Did you watch his interview by Lew Dobs regarding giving illegal immigrants the right to vote? That was liberal on liberal, and the CNN talk show host called him one the most arrogant SOBs he's ever met. Whoever Vitter is, no one should get their name in the news for paying high class call girls, all the while pointing your finger at respectable people to advance their own career. So Vitter should have gotten the same treatment, but he probably didn't because he is a nobody in the national political seen, right?

  • 1 decade ago

    hey the ACLU even came to assist LARRY CRAIG - hows THAT for irony?

    at least Dems have affairs with the opposite sex! rofl!! but who cares? The Repubs CONDEMN gays and THEN get caught in the act - that is SO 2-faced!

    IF Spitzer was Gov of Nevada where prostitution is legal - how much of an issue would it be then?

    (Probably pretty bad to his wife and family I would think at least!)

    But if he is spending taxpayer $$ which he was - yeah, he needs to go -

    Danm the humanity of wealthy folk! rofl! Gosh but your right Samantha, what if he was a Repub? would be just a "get in line" moment?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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