Is this poem worthy to be a poem?

Misery me, take me to the dark land,
For joy and happiness has conquered.
Sadden me, fill me by your stark hand,
As sorrow has not yet procured.
Release events, ones which behold tears,
Because that is how you work.
Contaminate events, from forth my blackest fears,
Reason for this could be nature.
Misery joy, and all its counterparts,
Ruining all merrymaking and laughter,
Sadden happiness, slaying with it, hearts,
To return to pleasure soon after.
So, brew a new potion, dear Fate,
One which sings many songs,
And make my cheers seem belate,
For in contentment you've put me so long.

I hope you enjoyed it. Tell me what you think, please. :)


Favorite Answer

That was one of the best I've read.. Not even joking it uses light and dark sides of the mind and i enjoy the deepness within it . Great job =)