Someone please please help?!?!?

i am so emotional and i have no idea why? i am 18 years old and i get so offended by everything and i want to cry for almost everything. even though my mom or dad yells at me just a little bit i want to cry. everything. i always have this nervous feeling too like if something bad is going to happen and i dint like it at all.. i also get angry easily and IKD what to do.. do you think i have some sort of emotional problems?? of i do whats a good way to help? please no rude answers. i just really want to know why i am such a sensitive girl


Favorite Answer

Before you try drugs like antidepressants, please find a good counselor. seeing a counselor doesn't mean your crazy. iv been seeing one for years, it has helped me though alot of stuff. EVERYBODY should try seeing a good psychiatrist before taking drugs. way to many people are on antidepressants for the wrong reasons.


Talk to a therapist to help you understand the reasons. I mean you could be depressed or something.