Anybody tried out the ruger 10/22 takedown yet?

They seem to get pretty good reviews just wondering if anyone has tried it yet and what your thoughts are


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I have handled it and talked to a Ruger rep as I have. It is quite and interesting gun. Due to how it is made it tend to stay together more easily than one would think. One of the issues I worried about was if their was a scope that there could be a loss of zero. But that does not happen with this weapon.


They are great guns perfect for hiking/camping in the actual woods and not some camp ground. They come real close to the ar-7 take downs some that I handled would be too loose between the two pieces and others would be too tight. Nothing major that would scare me away from getting one. But there are smaller take down .22s like the ar-7 I've mentioned where the whole gun goes into the buttstock

Lime Green Medic2012-09-19T01:01:05Z

Not yet, but I'm saving up for one. That's gonna be a great little backpack rifle, looks like.