How do I convince my mom to...?
Okay, so I spoke with the admissions officer for the New York Film Academy because they're going to be doing auditions for their school about two hours from where I live. I have seen mothers move heaven and earth to help their children, even without a justified cause. But my mom does not seem to care about my situation at all.
Anyway, this audition is my one shot at being able to go to school for free. We cannot afford to go to this school or any school, so I NEED to get a scholarship or I will never be able to go to college. This audition will guarantee you a scholarship if they pick you. This school is my dream. It's an acting and film school, and it's my only option in life.
Here's the thing. My mom will not take me to this audition. She comes up with many different reasons as to why she won't let me go, but it doesn't seem like she's even trying to come up with ways to let me go. She just doesn't seem to care. She thinks this school is a scam, and that I'm not good enough to pass the auditions anyway. She said even if I did pass the audition, what was I supposed to do afterwords? The school is in New York, so obviously I would have to move. I have been trying harder than anyone can ever imagine to get a job. Mainly so I can save up and get a place in New York for a while until I can get another job there. She doesn't seem to think I can do it.
She's comparing me to my older sister who has just graduated and is still living at home. My mom wants me to think "realistically" and change my goals because she did. I am not ready to change my goals. I don't plan on it. I know that if I change my goals, I will end up living the way I am now, and will not be able to provide better for my kids in the future.
School is already painfully hard for me, and I am doing everything in my power to get to this audition so I can go anyway. I'm not going to work at paying my way into college because it's just too much for me.
If I don't get to go to this audition, that's one thing. But how can I make my mom at least care? What can I do to get her to try? This whole thing doesn't seem to concern her and that's what bothers me.
This isn't an easy way out, and it's anything but a pipe dream. My grades won't qualify me for any scholarships. I hit a rough patch during my Freshman and Sophomore year and it won't look good to any college. This is NOT some silly dream. I have been doing this all my life and this is what I have wanted to do forever. It's no joke. The problem is that she compares me to my two sisters. One that worked her *** off to pay through college and one that is changing her goals because she isn't ambitious enough. She clearly wants me to be one or the other. The problem is that I am not either of them, and I can't be. I have faith in myself based on my experience, and I KNOW that I can do this. This is LITERALLY all I have EVER wanted to do with my life, and I couldn't imagine doing anything else.
Also, I have applied for many grants and scholarships and they've been denied. This literally is my only option, unless I want to work at a nine to five job, barely scraping by like my parents and their parents, and their parents' parents. I am tired of living like this, and I want better for my future.
To answer your question directly, since you need a response so badly, YES, I have had acting and voice lessons in the past. I have been singing professionally since I was 7, and acting professionally since I was 11. Furthermore, I'm not even going to the school for the theatre aspect. I am going for film. As a cinematographer, you get paid a lot more than you do in "show biz", and even then, I don't know how much you think they make, because I know they make a lot more than you do.