How many people will stop filing their tax returns to avoid the health insurance penalty in 2014?

If you owe no tax you don't have to file and if you don't file they don't know if you have health insurance or not do they? It has been said by CBO that 6 million people will owe the tax.


Flower - Currently my health insurance would cost me 6,000 per year plus a 2,000 deducible. How much is the tax credit? Currently I pay the bills myself and it's a lot less then 8,000 per year.


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Which is why Romney needs to win so he can end this hell on earth health policy before it begins.


Most people want to get their refunds and will file a tax return. Why would someone not buy insurance and get a generous tax credit instead of wasting money on a tax penalty? If you owe the IRS they will collect it.


To have to pay a ''penalty'' is not what actually should annoy us the most....

What actually MUST annoy the tax payers THE MOST is that, even when we are paying for our own health insurance, our taxes are going exponentially higher because we are being forced - by law - to pay for our own health insurance PLUS the higher taxes to pay for the health insurance for the freeloader-leeches that are NOT paying taxes and are already living for free at the expense of those of us who pay taxes.........

So, while the tax payers will keep paying more, the freeloader-leeches will be getting more freebies, but, of course, freeloader-leeches are voting for those who came up with the brilliant idea of the healthcare ''reform''......


if Mass allows you to file differently than your federal, if filing separately allows you the best advantage then you have the option to do so however, from your scenario, it would appear that Mass may find out the disparity and fine you anyway it seems a convoluted way to avoid something that might happen anyway