questions that don't?

have much to do with astrology. i just wanted to ask it here because i like the users.

1. do you sleep in complete darkness?
2. what is your favorite kind of wood (oak, mahogany, etc.)?
3. describe to me your most treasured, old photo:
4. do you have any habits?
5. what are some things you can recite in its entirety by memory?
6. what hue/color scheme do most of your dreams have? have you ever dreamt in black&white?
7. where do you go when you cry?
8. what is your most unpopular opinion?
9. what is something from your daily routine?
10. true or false: Christmas has lost its substance over the years, and you find it stressful.
11. favorite 'Yo Mama' joke:
12. ever kiss someone of the same gender?
13. what/how many vinyl records/LPs do you own?
14. when did you develop an interest in astrology? how long have you known your Sun sign?
15. how do you take your coffee? tea?
16. current or last book you read/are reading:
17. what was the last song you heard that wasn't recorded before 1977?
18. fill in the blank: "Everything is ______ when you're ______."
19. when was the last time you hand-wrote a note or letter to someone?
20. deep down, you are: A. young at heart, or B. an old soul.
21. what's your favorite physical feature(s) about yourself?
22. what's your favorite thing about the type of person you are?
23. how many schools have you attended (preK-college if any)?
24. urban, suburban or rural?
25. would you ever pose nude in a magazine?
26. what's the luckiest thing that's ever happened to you?
27. how would you describe your sense of humor?
28. when was the last time you were jealous of someone?
29. what things describe/fit the colors of your hair, eyes and skin?
30. what would you say to someone if they were here right now?
31. from 1-10, rate how emotional you are (1 being void of emotion and 10 being absurdly emotional)
32. what is your full name (skip if you'd rather not say)?
33. where were you born?
34. how many UFO or paranormal sightings have you had, if any?
35. what would be a question that you'd not want to answer honestly?
36. do you have a sex life?
37. what was your first concert?
38. true or false: you have daddy issues.
39. what bands/artists have influenced you the most?
40. leave a quote from a movie you love:

BQ: what is your favorite placement(s) in your natal chart, and why?


Favorite Answer

Hi Gabbi :)

1. Yes Iove it.
2. I don't have one, any will do so long that it's not from some endangered tree.
3. It's one taken in a studio of my siblings and I, I was 9 months old.
4. When I say hello to familiar people I accompany that hi with a wave even if they're right in front of me, I know I'm a geek. I blush easily, stutter when I get nervous...when I'm bored or into a deep thought I shake my left leg nonstop: I think I suffer from restless leg syndrome. lol
5. A lot of poems/written works/songs...arguements, compliments.
6. Interesting, never dreamt in black & white, but the majority of my dreams are always set in the night.
7. My bedroom. I live alone, but I feel the safest in my room.
8. I wouldn't want to live with a boyfriend, it has nothing to do with religion. I just want something new to look forward to after marriage.
9. I read before going to sleep.
10. I'd say true.
11. Yo mama's so fat I took a picture of her last Christmas and it's still printing. That's the only one that's stuck to me. lol
12. No I haven't, I'm open but it's not my thing.
13. I have tons, the wackiest one I have is this Willie Nelson Christmas Special and I only play it because it has Silent Night...the scratching noise makes it more nostalgic. I love old things, don't let me get started with my typewriter LOL
14. A while actually. I've known about my Sun for a long time.
15. Tea: Sencha Coffee: Black with no sugar, no cream, I love the bitterness of it.
16. Currently reading Flights of the Mind, I'm a fan of biographies.
17. Zeppelin's When the Levee Breaks, it was from answering another Q here on Y!A.
18. Everything is divine when you're ecstatic.
19. A week ago to my cousin in Mexico.
20. Definitely B.
21. I have none.
22. I'm an easygoing person.
23. 5 (2 different elementary schools, one middle school, one high school, and one university).
24. I'd want to live in a ranch/farmhouse, distant from everyone so I guess rural?
25. lol hmm I highly doubt it
26. Too many lucky things to name.
27. Dry..slightly odd.
28. Days ago! lol
29. Dark hair, dark eyes, olive skin...sorry I'm not feeling poetic at the moment.
30. Hello.
31. 13 but then I go down to a 2.
32. You guys all know my name lol my last name is Za...nevermind. :)
33. California, USA
34. None but anything is possible so maybe I'll see one soon.
35. If I'm happy.
36. I'm a little private with that.
37. This Mexican group my mom took me to, I was 7. She dressed me up like a cowgirl LOL
38. False.
39. Too many to name and they vary greatly from one another.
40. "We all want to live by each other's happiness, not by each other's misery" from The Great Dictator, one of my favourite movies :)

BQ: I honestly do love my Sagittarius Sun/9th, it helps me in so many ways with all the density of all the other signs I have: I'm also curious about many things.


1. do you sleep in complete darkness? yes
2. what is your favorite kind of wood (oak, mahogany, etc.)? mahogany
3. describe to me your most treasured, old photo: a picture of my dog when he was a puppy: 10 years ago
4. do you have any habits? cracking my knuckles.
5. what are some things you can recite in its entirety by memory? I rather keep that to myself.
6. what hue/color scheme do most of your dreams have? black.
7. where do you go when you cry? I don't cry...
8. what is your most unpopular opinion? Not sure..
9. what is something from your daily routine? Yoga
10. true or false: Christmas has lost its substance over the years, and you find it stressful. False
11. favorite 'Yo Mama' joke: I don't do Yo Mama jokes.
12. ever kiss someone of the same gender? Once.
13. what/how many vinyl records/LPs do you own? None.
14. when did you develop an interest in astrology? how long have you known your Sun sign? Just within the past year.
15. how do you take your coffee? tea? I like my coffee with cream and my tea with honey and lemon.
16. current or last book you read/are reading: 50 shades of grey.
17. what was the last song you heard that wasn't recorded before 1977? The moon and the nightspirit
18. fill in the blank: "Everything is _difficult_____ when you're stressed______."
19. when was the last time you hand-wrote a note or letter to someone? Not sure
20. deep down, you are: A. young at heart, or B. an old soul. An old soul.
21. what's your favorite physical feature(s) about yourself? My eyes.
22. what's your favorite thing about the type of person you are? I am realistic.
23. how many schools have you attended (preK-college if any)? 5 schools.
24. urban, suburban or rural? Suburban and rural.
25. would you ever pose nude in a magazine? No.
26. what's the luckiest thing that's ever happened to you? I have my education all paid for.
27. how would you describe your sense of humor? Sarcastic.
28. when was the last time you were jealous of someone? Today.
29. what things describe/fit the colors of your hair, eyes and skin? Hair: Blackish Brown Eyes: Dark Hazel Skin: very tan in the summer and white in the winter with olive undertones.
30. what would you say to someone if they were here right now? Nothing.
31. from 1-10, rate how emotional you are (1 being void of emotion and 10 being absurdly emotional): 8
32. what is your full name (skip if you'd rather not say)?
33. where were you born? New York
34. how many UFO or paranormal sightings have you had, if any? I think I've had some experiences.
35. what would be a question that you'd not want to answer honestly? To describe every thought that's in my mind.
36. do you have a sex life? Yes.
37. what was your first concert? I saw Eminem when I was 14.
38. true or false: you have daddy issues. False.
39. what bands/artists have influenced you the most? Yiruma, Mozart, Beethoven
40. leave a quote from a movie you love: I don't do quotes.

BQ: what is your favorite placement(s) in your natal chart, and why? Scorpio Sun 9th house: I am really ambitious and education is everything to me.


1. do you sleep in complete darkness? Yusss
2. what is your favorite kind of wood (oak, mahogany, etc.)? mahogany's good
3. describe to me your most treasured, old photo: Me, my Granny, & a Christmas tree
4. do you have any habits? smile or maybe its more of a grin?

5. what are some things you can recite in its entirety by memory? full name
6. what hue/color scheme do most of your dreams have? have you ever dreamt in black&white? Red, White, Black, Gold, Grey....nope
7. where do you go when you cry? Tae Oppa's donut shop, i get discounts
8. what is your most unpopular opinion? That ppl want to be lead astray/deceived. Mankind is perverted like that

9. what is something from your daily routine? blinking :P
10. true or false: Christmas has lost its substance over the years, and you find it stressful. false, i no stressed
11. favorite 'Yo Mama' joke: yo momma fine lemme hit that! joke!
12. ever kiss someone of the same gender? hell naww

13. what/how many vinyl records/LPs do you own? currently none
14. when did you develop an interest in astrology? how long have you known your Sun sign? 2010, 1995
15. how do you take your coffee? tea? with sugarrr, luke warm
16. current or last book you read/are reading: last attempt was Asset Protection

17. what was the last song you heard that wasn't recorded before 1977? idk
18. fill in the blank: "Everything is ______ when you're ______." pretty/sober ;o
19. when was the last time you hand-wrote a note or letter to someone? no idea
20. deep down, you are: A. young at heart, or B. an old soul. AAAAaaaaAAaaAaa

21. what's your favorite physical feature(s) about yourself? 2 inches baybay! i got 2 inch eye sockets :P
22. what's your favorite thing about the type of person you are? i juss dont give a fuhk
23. how many schools have you attended (preK-college if any)? 7
24. urban, suburban or rural? sluburb

25. would you ever pose nude in a magazine? nope, im sexist in such a regard
26. what's the luckiest thing that's ever happened to you? mm maybe pity sex :S
27. how would you describe your sense of humor? buffoonery with a dash of perv
28. when was the last time you were jealous of someone? last night

29. what things describe/fit the colors of your hair, eyes and skin? anything brown or black
30. what would you say to someone if they were here right now? gimmiesomebooti
31. from 1-10, rate how emotional you are (1 being void of emotion and 10 being absurdly emotional) 10 but it seems a 1
32. what is your full name (skip if you'd rather not say)? zacchaes lebree jackson

33. where were you born? inglewood ca
34. how many UFO or paranormal sightings have you had, if any? lost count, maybe 6-8
35. what would be a question that you'd not want to answer honestly? who i has crush on
36. do you have a sex life? does right hand count :s

37. what was your first concert? ahh noo THIS is the Q i dont want to answer truthfully!!
38. true or false: you have daddy issues. false i has a mommy issue
39. what bands/artists have influenced you the most? Van Gogh
40. leave a quote from a movie you love:"hold on to your butts" Sam Jackson- Jurassic Park

BQ: what is your favorite placement(s) in your natal chart, and why? my moon in 11th


Want my credit card details as well?? :o)

1. do you sleep in complete darkness? Usually. I can sleep everywhere, lights on or off, doesn't matter.
2. what is your favorite kind of wood (oak, mahogany, etc.)? Chestnut
3. describe to me your most treasured, old photo: My great granddad when fighting the germans in the Danish resistance movement during ww2, showing him and two others before leaving on a mission.
4. do you have any habits? I do. My morning routine is sacred!
5. what are some things you can recite in its entirety by memory? Mostly songs and some rhymes and child things :)
6. what hue/color scheme do most of your dreams have? have you ever dreamt in black&white? No, and I don't know really, never thought of that.
7. where do you go when you cry? Somewhere alone.
8. what is your most unpopular opinion? My Utopia of people existing for each other, worldwide.
9. what is something from your daily routine? I drink coffee every morning, and feed the horses every morning as well.
10. true or false: Christmas has lost its substance over the years, and you find it stressful. We don't celebrate christmas.
11. favorite 'Yo Mama' joke: Yo mama is so fat she redefines the richter magnitude scale of earthquakes (I really don't know, just made that one up on the spot)
12. ever kiss someone of the same gender? Yes. In jest during a polterabend.
13. what/how many vinyl records/LPs do you own? Uh, a lot. I would guess just on the other side of 300.
14. when did you develop an interest in astrology? how long have you known your Sun sign? When I was 14, a teacher introduced me to it. I forgot about it, and just recently begun to rediscover. (I am 40 now)
15. how do you take your coffee? tea? In both cases, with nothing added.
16. current or last book you read/are reading: "Stengæsten" Danish book consisting of novelles revolving around the questions we should ask God, instead of those we always ask him.
17. what was the last song you heard that wasn't recorded before 1977? (listening to it as I write right now)
18. fill in the blank: "Everything is ______ when you're ______." great / happy
19. when was the last time you hand-wrote a note or letter to someone? Yesterday, to a penfriend in Norway.
20. deep down, you are: A. young at heart, or B. an old soul. An old soul
21. what's your favorite physical feature(s) about yourself? My broad chest.
22. what's your favorite thing about the type of person you are? I never give up.
23. how many schools have you attended (preK-college if any)? 1 plus 3 "efterskoler" (sort of a danish boarding school, would be the closest to describe it)
24. urban, suburban or rural? Rural
25. would you ever pose nude in a magazine? Depends on the cause and the pay :)
26. what's the luckiest thing that's ever happened to you? My wife!
27. how would you describe your sense of humor? Broad, but mostly, black, sarcastic and subtle.
28. when was the last time you were jealous of someone? Uh, can't remember.
29. what things describe/fit the colors of your hair, eyes and skin? Ask my wife....I am blond, blue ice like eyes and normal skin color, altho I get red and not tanned :(
30. what would you say to someone if they were here right now? Buddy, you should have delivered that saddle 3 days ago!
31. from 1-10, rate how emotional you are (1 being void of emotion and 10 being absurdly emotional) 7
32. what is your full name (skip if you'd rather not say)? MM is my initials, forename being Michael
33. where were you born? Odense (Denmark)
34. how many UFO or paranormal sightings have you had, if any? None. In my youth when drunk, a lot ;)
35. what would be a question that you'd not want to answer honestly? This one.
36. do you have a sex life? Oh yeah. :)
37. what was your first concert? Can't remember.
38. true or false: you have daddy issues. True
39. what bands/artists have influenced you the most? Pink Floyd and Rory Callagher.
40. leave a quote from a movie you love: "God is not on our side because he hates idiots also"

BQ: what is your favorite placement(s) in your natal chart, and why? All of them. Why? Else it wouldn't be me. And it gives me some insight to possible answers to my inner workings, good or bad. But I am very much interested in the two Grand Trines I have.


1. do you sleep in complete darkness?
*nope, i always have my TV on.
2. what is your favorite kind of wood (oak, mahogany, etc.)?
* I'm having a hard time answering that positively.
3. describe to me your most treasured, old photo:
* a picture of me in 3rd grade, i was soo cute.
4. do you have any habits?
*Biting my thumb nail.
5. what are some things you can recite in its entirety by memory?
*songs, Miranda rights, pledge, anthem
6. what hue/color scheme do most of your dreams have? have you ever dreamt in black&white?
*regular colors, but alot of purplee
7. where do you go when you cry?
*shower, bed
8. what is your most unpopular opinion?
*lol, i have too many
9. what is something from your daily routine?
*blinking, breathing, and listening to music
10. true or false: Christmas has lost its substance over the years, and you find it stressful.
*both, it has lost substance but i don't stress, i almost see it like a normal day.
11. favorite 'Yo Mama' joke:
*yo mama so old her breast milk turned into powder
12. ever kiss someone of the same gender?
*yeah, in a game of truth or dare
13. what/how many vinyl records/LPs do you own?
14. when did you develop an interest in astrology? how long have you known your Sun sign?
*i've known my sign forever, but i've become interested in the past few months
15. how do you take your coffee? tea? i only drink frappes
16. current or last book you read/are reading: Canterbury tales
17. what was the last song you heard that wasn't recorded before 1977?
*gotye- someone i used to know?
18. fill in the blank: "Everything is __better____ when you're ___high___."
19. when was the last time you hand-wrote a note or letter to someone?
*last month
20. deep down, you are: A. young at heart, or B. an old soul.
*young at heart
21. what's your favorite physical feature(s) about yourself?
22. what's your favorite thing about the type of person you are?
*deeply compassionate
23. how many schools have you attended (preK-college if any)?
24. urban, suburban or rural?
25. would you ever pose nude in a magazine?
*no, too self conscious
26. what's the luckiest thing that's ever happened to you?
*found $50 a few weeks ago
27. how would you describe your sense of humor?
very sarcastic
28. when was the last time you were jealous of someone?
*never, its pointless
29. what things describe/fit the colors of your hair, eyes and skin?
*i dnt understand
30. what would you say to someone if they were here right now?
*hi !!
31. from 1-10, rate how emotional you are (1 being void of emotion and 10 being absurdly emotional)
32. what is your full name (skip if you'd rather not say)?
*bob marley
33. where were you born?
34. how many UFO or paranormal sightings have you had, if any?
*one, but i was little
35. what would be a question that you'd not want to answer honestly?
*idk, personal questions
36. do you have a sex life?
*an embarrasing one
37. what was your first concert?
* a church concert
38. true or false: you have daddy issues.
* true
39. what bands/artists have influenced you the most?
*linkin park
40. leave a quote from a movie you love:
*cant't think of any
BQ: what is your favorite placement(s) in your natal chart, and why?
*i like em all

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