Which Obama policies have "failed?"?

I hear this phrase a lot, but nothing more in detail -- what specific policies that Obama enacted have "failed?"

John Hinkle2012-10-09T03:21:32Z

Well many say the auto bail out was a fail, it added billions to the debt and did less effectively what allowing them to file for bankruptcy and restructure (but the unions would have suffered). Many say the cash for clunkers was a failure for a number of reasons, it is estimated that of the 222,000 cars bought under the program that 200,000 were by people already going to buy a car, in other words it cost roughly $43,000 per car for those 22,000 that were enticed into buying a car. Then there is the fact that cash for clunkers took those 222,000 late model cars off the market so now used cars are more expensive and guess who that hurts, it sure doesn't hurt the rich who wouldn't consider the purchase of a used car any way.

You might also take a look at the projected cost of the "free" health care, each and every time it has been recalculated it has risen dramatically.

You might have noticed on the news that many US embassies have been attacked and an Ambassador murdered, the ambassador requested/begged for additional security and was denied.

Then for fun you might want to take a look at the national debt clock and notice that the debt is rising to the tune of about a thousand dollars a second.

Now you can try and cry and say it is Bush's fault (and that in it self is a failure) but it is nearly four years into obamas term, it is time for him to start to man up and taking responsibility.

How long do you think you would hold a manager job, if every time you were questioned by the owner why things were still bad your only answer was to blame the previous manager?


He said he would get us out of the war in the middle east. We have an increasing number of deaths in afganistan and recently set a record.
He said he would lower unemployment. Bush's record show that his highest unemployment is lower than Obama's lowest. Bush's lowest is lower than Clintons lowest. Bush's average is lower than Clintons average. He blames it on Bush but Bush had a better record than the president before or after him.
He said he would lower the deficit and control spending. He raised the deficit in 4 years almost 20% more than bush did in 8 years. Obama has never ratified a budget.
He said he would work on immigration reform yet gives amnesty to millions of them.
He said he would work on welfare reform. The number of people on welfare and other government subsidies is up 15%. The "47%" was only 34% 4 years ago. Its actually 49% now. Many are living on unemployment instead of looking for jobs.
He said he has a strong foreign policy, yet he doesn't attend the world leader summit so he can go on a talk show. He ignores israel's plea for help.
He said he wants to preserve medicare, yet he gutted over 500 billion from it, hidden in Obamacare, and said Romney want to cut it. Sorry but ill take somebody who "might" over somebody who already has!

Basically, the only policy he has enacted that hasn't failed is his one to brainwash and buy voters with free cellphones, promises for a new kitchen, and deflection of the issues by making America think of Romney's taxes. I'm worried about MY taxes, not Romneys.

Look at Obama's supporters, the poor, immigrants, very old and young. Housewives who don't work.
Movie stars who live in the land of make-believe

Romney's supporters, middle and upper class, educated workers and business owners.

Obama, people who take from the system, Romney, people who put into the system

Have you noticed, the "47%" Romeny talked about is the same percentage number that support Obama. Coinsidence?


Have you been living under a rock for the past 4 years?

Please. This is no time to start trying to catch up on the news 4 years back.


Trick-down government fails every time it's tried.

The Damn Mushroom2012-10-09T03:00:16Z

The ones that the Republicans in Congress have voted against, preventing them from taking effect.

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