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Can you point to an Obama policy that has "failed?"?

This term is tossed around a lot, but what exactly has Obama enacted that has "failed" and how did it fail?

30 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Cant think of a thing.

  • 9 years ago

    -First, I'd say the stimulus bill ultimately was a failure. There were some good things in the bill (funding the census, etc.), and it provided temporary relief in a lot of areas. The goal, however, was that the stimulus would provide a "kickstart" to the private sector, and get things rolling. The non-partisan CBO (Congressional Budget Office) has reported several times that it failed to do so, and ultimately had no lasting impact on the economy.

    -Secondly, I'd point to the Affordable Care Act (aka the so-called Obamacare). Again, I would say there are some very good things in the ACA. We've needed health care reform for a long time, and the bill does address a few needed areas. Again, though, the bill looks to be a failure in the sense of meeting the ultimate objective. In this case, the ultimate objective is to bend the cost curve and make health care more affordable for everyone. The bill just isn't doing that. The estimated program costs keep increasing, and there's no sign that the private insurance sector is undergoing some sort of miraculous transformation. What we are seeing is private businesses planning on dropping insurance or cutting hours to avoid the government mandates. Furthermore, there is a real issue with the contraception mandate and the right of individuals and groups to exercise their moral conscience. The "accommodation" the administration reached on that matter is a smokescreen that doesn't change the fundamental conflict.

  • 9 years ago

    1. The stimulus....millions of "shovel ready" jobs, didn't work. Money ended up going to his union buddies.

    2. Cash for clunkers.....cost the US billions of dollars

    3. Spending, adding about 6 TRILLION to the debt.

    4. Solyndra.....a bankruptcy that cost the US billions of dollars

    5. GM bailout......cost thousands of non-union jobs and billions of dollars that will never be paid back.

    6. Obamacare......CBO estimates will cost THREE times the amount Obama said, will cost the average household over $2,500 a year to start.

    In FOUR years there has been NOT ONE successful Obama economic policy. But does Obama or his supporters take blame?, the only thing they have done is GIVE blame. The failure of the Obama administration has been EVERYONE'S fault but his. I have even compiled a list of why Obama has been a failure for our great country.

    1. It's Bush's fault

    2. It's the Republican Congress's fault

    3. It's Sean Hannity's fault

    4. It's Rush Limbaugh's fault

    5. It's Glenn Beck's fault.

    6. It's the Tea Parties fault

    7. It's Conservative's fault.

    8. It's the Japanese tsunami's fault

    EVERYBODY's fault but Obama's.

  • 9 years ago

    Two-thirds of those who have found employment under President Obama are immigrants, both legal and illegal, according to an analysis that suggests immigration has soaked up a large portion of what little job growth there has been over the past three years

    Read more: Two-thirds of jobs go to immigrants during Obama's four years - Washington Times

    Follow us: @washtimes on Twitter

    Source(s): Over 20 Million jobs lost due to Obamas failed polocies. He claims 3.2 Miollion jobs were created by him. Obama, your short 16.8 million jobs.
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  • 5 years ago

    Exchange? Change what? I stated i am not going back to fb. I won't. Even though H'Shem has taken away (what did He dispose of? I overlook what it was) anyway whatever H'Shem took, H'Shem have got to have thrown it out and replaced it with a throne as an alternative. Fb used to be the one who pitched me, now not the opposite direction around. While I forgive, I will not play the games with them. Everyone is aware of my cellphone quantity, they may be able to name me. Nonetheless not balloting for the gold, I see how dangerous they quite suck extra now than earlier than..

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Health care...50/50 divide...divided our nation....not to mention the fact by time it kicks in we will have paid four years worth of taxes on it without so much a prescription!

    2. Foreign policy....Four americans are dead, nuff said on that!

    3. Clean energy...turn our food into gas...or in the words of obama "gas prices need to be so high people don't want it" funny how you ignored that minor statement!

    4. Fiscal budget in four years...spending more than a trillion dollars a year for four straight other time in American history has that happened another success for obama...not to mention the 7 trillion dollars in new debt!

    5. Public policy...ibama has America more divided than any other time since the civil war, a leader is supposed to unite not divide, race bait and generally encourage public division!

    6. the middle of two wars and he and dems want and did cut military spending...someone forgot to tell obama he is commander and chief that means you give the military the best in time of war not turn them into walking bullet sponges!

    7. Trade and Cap...what kind of sh@t was that..nuff said!

    8. Border give your leg humping attorney general permission to give hundreds of fully and semi-automatic weapons to violent drug cartels!

    9. libs should be pitching a fit over the fact obama has deported more people than bush ever even dreamed of...i know...shhhhh!

    Hows that for a couple, if you need more resubmit another question i can go all night!

  • MEL T
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Cash for Clunkers

    The bail out of GM - The company is still bankrupt and worth less then the governmnet loan balance

    The Stimulus failed in some areas most notably green tech, but the infrastructure spending was justified.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Democrats can't think of anything. Ahaha democrats can't think - what a shock.

    Obama failed to restore the economy as he promised, embassy security, the debt did not cut in half, there is huge debt, he failed to follow the constitution, he got a lot of americans killed, he failed to change anything positively, he failed to prove that he is american, he failed as a president.

    In his 1st year as president, he sent even more troops to war and spent billions on bills that failed ( a lot to list)

  • 9 years ago

    You could say that going to the Moon was a failure if you want- does not make it so. His policies are starting to work and nothing shows us that they really "failed" just some did not produce quick results.

    Also remember Romney's claim that 50% of Obama investments in green and other industries failed? Well it was actually around 8%. Making Obama success rate 92%! Bain Capital ( Romney ) had an average success rate of 78% and 22% failure!

    Some fuzzy math out there!

  • 9 years ago

    Stimulus Pkg....................GITMO....................Raiding Medical Marijuana Dispensaries......................National Defense Authorization Act..........................Signing the " Patriot Act " back into law before the sunset claus kicked in..........................National Educational scores dropped again last year..............................Escalated the War in Afghanistan by Sending an Additional 30,000 Troops........................Now has the Federal Reserve printing out of thin air, an Extra 40 Billion Dollars a Month....................................Gas Prices / Oil........................Value of the Dollar has dropped drastically..........................Continues to Bomb Pakistan, after attacking Libya.............Bombs inside of Yemen, the Philippines, and Somalia....................................Unemployment /Economy.......................

    Obama has basically kept all the Bush policies and put the pedal to the metal......................Both party's are destroying our Country and have Stolen the American peoples wealth and freedom...............

  • Bob B
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The "stimulus" that was supposed to prevent unemployment from exceeding 8%. It didn't.

    Solyndra for example. Half a billion taxpayer dollars "invested". The company is bankrupt.

    The GM takeover and the Chevy Volt. Massive government cash to bail out the unions to produce an overpriced car that nobody wants (or can afford).

    Similar situation for Abound Solar, A123, and a myriad of other "green energy" boondoggles.

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