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  • Just got mugged, questions about new iPhone portability?

    Hi, I just got mugged and the guy only wanted my iPhone 4. I immediately remote wiped it when I got home and then suspended service. I'm going down to AT&T tomorrow to get a replacement, I got a few questions for people that would know it.

    1. Would a replacement of the same model cost a lot? I was an iPhone 4 16gig.

    2. If I have the backup on iCloud it should be able to restore everything as it was, right? Including all the apps and what state they were in (like, arranged the same way, etc).

    3. Will I be forced to get a new number, or is that permanently tied to the SIM card?


    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Type of cat food for 7 and 6 year old cats?

    Hi, I have a cat who is about to turn 7, and when he does, my other one will be 6 -- just wondering, they have a 'mature adult' cat food for cats over 7, should I start feeding them both this one or wait until they're both over 7?

    They free-feed from the same bowl, and it's difficult if not impossible to feed them separately...


    4 AnswersCats8 years ago
  • Mac Pro Optimal Memory?

    Hi, I have a Mac Pro, it's a 2009 model, Quad-Core with 12GB of RAM. I use it for gaming and video editing, but I've noticed that at times, especially when I'm running something like VMWare the free memory goes down to almost nothing (usually around 23MB...that's megabytes...yeah I know).

    I also run StarCraft II and Diablo and I need to have Skype open to talk to friends who also play, and generally when that's happening I have about 1.8 GB available.

    I do have other programs running, no AntiVirus software, but something called Clusters which compresses unused files automatically, time machine backups, and Growl, none of which I think take up too much memory..

    So my question is, would upgrading to say 16-18GB solve any of these problems? Right now Diablo III lags the entire system when I'm Alt + Tabbed out of it, and so does the StarCraft 2 beta. D3 has an option to reduce background frame rate for this exact problem. Apparently the OS can take up to 96GB of RAM, but I feel that's overkill as I'm not doing any 3D modeling or using it as a render farm for video.

    Anyway, what do you think? How much RAM is enough and would adding more solve this low memory and lagging problem?


    2 AnswersDesktops8 years ago
  • Can you point to an Obama policy that has "failed?"?

    This term is tossed around a lot, but what exactly has Obama enacted that has "failed" and how did it fail?

    30 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Did Mitt Romney cause the meningitis outbreak?

    I saw this story on RCP (RealClear Politics) about how he de-regulated this Mass. clinic and now there's mass Meningitis outbreaks several years later. Do we blame him or someone else?

    5 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Is Donald Trump joking?

    Trumps major "bombshell" announcement was that he'll cut a check for $5 million for Obama to release his college transcripts. Is he Fking joking? THIS is what I've been waiting two days for? This is what will allow Americans to see Obama in a new light? THIS is what is going to impact the election?

    14 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Was there a video of protesters in Libya?

    There is talk now of there being no protest and simply an organized terrorist attack on the consulate, but US Intelligence has shown a protest video with protesters pointing to the anti-Muslim video made by an American filmmaker, or am I totally wrong?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Who will win the third debate?

    Subject, foreign policy.

    8 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • How many are former Obama supporters who are voting for Romney?

    Or conversely, how many are former McCain supporters who are voting for Obama?

    3 AnswersPolitics9 years ago
  • Which Obama policies have "failed?"?

    I hear this phrase a lot, but nothing more in detail -- what specific policies that Obama enacted have "failed?"

    7 AnswersPolitics9 years ago