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Was there a video of protesters in Libya?

There is talk now of there being no protest and simply an organized terrorist attack on the consulate, but US Intelligence has shown a protest video with protesters pointing to the anti-Muslim video made by an American filmmaker, or am I totally wrong?


Oh ok interesting -- I didn't know the video shown was protesters in Egypt -- and FYI, I did watch that special you're talking about.

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There was no protest in Libya to film. The film is a protest in Cairo, Egypt.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    You are totally wrong on Benghazi, there were not any protests at the time of the terrorist attacks, apparently you do not watch the only network that will show you the truth, Fox news had a special on last night they showed the exac timeline, it is on their website and you can watch it if you can handle the truth. The Liberal Media is showing the protests in Cairo Egypt before the attack and then showing the attack so that it looks like they are one and the same. THEY ARE NOT.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    not yet

    matt daemon and g looney are shooting it now

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