What does one eat/drink after getting "stoned"?

Not me.
I just picked up my friend and I don't know what to do with her appetite. What food is okay? And just water, I would assume?
I'm clueless..she's okay, but I don't want to give her something that might be too heavy.
And what about the morning after? And would a shower help...or?



Favorite Answer

handfuls of pebbles.

and animal bones and red kool-aid.


Getting stoned isn't a big deal side effect-wise. Morning after's irrelevant. Shower's irrelevant. Just give her whatever food she wants. She won't get sick unless you give her like ten bags of chips or something. Weed doesn't make you more prone to stuff like that, if that's what you're asking. It'll wear off in like three hours anyway.


Anything if she's high she'd be so down for anything and yes water but she might want something sweet! Like lemonade,soda,icee (: and she's just stoned she will just get a really good night sleep (: and wake up feeling bomb (:


Take her to Denny's.
Morning won't matter because she won't be high anymore.