I have a soft bump on my arm?

I'm 14 years old and today I randomly felt a bump on my right arm. It's the size of a dollar coin I would say. I wouldn't necessarily say it hurts. Only it feels odd when I extend my arm or press it. I haven't hit my arm at all today so I doubt it's swollen. I sort of freaked out because my friend said her cousin had the same thing on his shoulder and it was a tumor. My grandmother (father's mom) had a tumor and I think I was cancer and it was in her brain and she passed away from it. Any advice or information would help!


Favorite Answer

Before you start to freak out and panic come down and start thinking normal. You can go and see and dermatologist for it and maybe it's just a big bump, and even if it's cancer, it should be in the beginning so it can be treated well and you won't pass away. So make an appointment with the doctor and you're feeling better..


problematic task look into over the search engines just that may help