How to deal with body image issues in a healthy way?

How to deal with body image issues in a healthy way?
I'm a new mommy and my baby is 3 months old. I haven't had any success in loosing the amount of weight that I wanted to have lost by now. My body is disgusting and I can't stand the way that I look anymore. The father of my child is no longer attracted to me, he's interested in women that look nothing like me. I guess I'm becoming very depressed and going into a place that I need to avoid mentally.I haven't eaten a meal in days, I hate looking at myself. I'm looking for some help, as far as websites or programs that could help me feel better about the person I am now, while I try and work on becoming the women that I truly want to be.


Favorite Answer

The baby sucked all the omega 3's from your system. These help fight low moods & depression. Eat lots more foods with omega 3's. Then make a weekly meal plan of healthy choices. (Jumbo salads & home made vegetable soup). Put the baby in the stroller and go walking every morning, after lunch and after dinner.

Keep a few tubs of Lite Cool Whip in the freezer to snack on in your moments of weakness.

Type in the Youtube search box "post pregnancy exercise."

Beverley O2012-10-25T08:07:53Z

sounds like you may have a touch of post natal depression see your doctor who can help you need to learn to accept this new post baby body .Exercise is great mood lifter and will tone and get you back to your pre pregnancy weight .