Is Obama right, or is Romney really a Bullsh**er?


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Both of your statements seem true. Romney is a complete bullshitter, and Obama is right.


Obama in 2008 told America a lot of things that he would do. He delivered on some of them, and failed to deliver on others. There are a few things, like immigration reform, that he didn't get to even though he promised. There are some things he failed to do and others he accomplished. (The democrat in me wants to point out that most of his accomplishments were things that are the President's job to do, and that most of his failures require the cooperation of Congress.) There are very few things that he campaigned for and then did the opposite, or that he failed to address at all in his first four years. When you look at his "broken promises", most of them look like optimistic predictions that didn't go how they thought they would.

Romney has taken so many different positions that he can't deliver on them all. He can't make sure that everyone pays some taxes without raising taxes on the middle class or the poor. He can't give the tax cuts and military spending increases he promised and without expanding the deficit. He said Obama made all the wrong moves on Bin Laden, Afghanistan, and Iraq, and then changed his mind in the third debate and said he would have done the same thing, just a little bit different. Romney promised to "repeal and replace Obamacare" for months--when he finally gave some idea of what he would replace it with in the first debate, he decided to keep the best of Obamacare and just shift some control of it from the fed to the states--so that wild rhetoric against Obamacare turned into 'it could be done better'. Romney hid a lot of his views (while speaking on others) and bashed Obama for 16 months, and thinks that people just started paying attention last month and that he could change the things he was criticized for at the last minute, and reveal the details at the last minute to catch Obama off guard in the last quarter and not give him time to criticize his latest version of the facts. I think a candidate should tell us where he stands and what he wants to do, rather than telling us what he thinks we want to hear. Whether he plans to lead by poll results, or whether he says what the polls say America wants to hear and will do something else if elected, I think it's a bad thing. BS is definitely the word that comes to mind.

While I do think that Obama has been far more forthcoming, transparent, and honest than Romney, there has been a lot of misleading things coming out of both campaigns and both candidates mouths. On commercials--if it doesn't come with the "I'm _____ and I approve this message", it's pretty likely to be completely false or misleading--a supreme court case that allows corporations free speech made it almost impossible to stop corporations from slander. The messages that are approved may be misleading, but at least there is some study somewhere that backs up the point.


Mitt Romney took very conservative positions on every issue when he was running for the Republican nomination. Now that he has it, he has changed his stands on almost every issue. He even went on a Sunday TV news show and said there were parts of Obamacare that were good and that he would keep. (Of course the next day a spokesperson who appeared before a right wing gathering retracted the statement and said Romney would repeal every bit of it.)

On the foreign policy debate, he said that he would bring the troops home from Afghanistan in 2014, but for the past two years he has been criticizing President Obama for setting a deadline, and calling it Obama's worst foreign policy mistake ever.

In other words, he will say whatever he thinks he needs to say to win election. You can apply whatever word fits. It is impossible to know where he really stands on any issue.


You mean the King of Bullsh**ers is calling someone else a Bullsh**er? Hilarious! That's like the pot calling the kettle black.

Sandy K2012-10-27T14:44:55Z

Obama had 4 years to do his thing and he did not and does not even have a plan if he would win the election.He is the Bull shiatter. Romney has already gotten my vote.

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